Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Most of us usually start our careers with the best of intentions, planning to do all we can in order to succeed. With that being said, many employees engage in bad professional practices that can lead them to the way out. Doing the below is a guarantee that you’ll be back to chilling on your couch in no time!   

1. Taking the hate you have for your boss public – Never blast your boss on a social network, especially when he/she is your Facebook friend!

2. Arriving late to work – Punctuality is a very important characteristic one must have. Arriving late to work and leaving early on a daily basis is unacceptable.

3. Making many personal phone calls during work – You might think it’s okay to make a couple of personal phone calls while working; well it is, but don’t overdo it.

4. Not going beyond your job description – Get rid of the "it’s not my job" attitude. Having this mentality will never get you anywhere; it will only make you look average.

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