Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Technology has simplified communications for most businesses, but the increased use of conference calls, video conferencing, and instant messaging has created a new list of off-putting behaviors that could put your business in an awkward situation. Akhtaboot provides you with some tips on how to use workplace technology the smart way!

1. Instant messaging works best for quick questions and updates not for long distracting conversations. Keep your chats short.

2. Avoid bright, flashy, patterned clothing when using Video Conferencing. Play it safe, wear neutral tones in solid patterns. Treat video conferences as face to face meetings.

3. Refrain from having side conversations while on the phone. Mute your phone if you have to multi-task while on a call or better yet, try not to multitask while talking to clients.

4. Make sure you have an ‘appropriate’ online presence on all your social media channels such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn, as your personal image reflects your company’s.

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