Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Amer, Samah and Atef (Akhtaboot)
during the event

Under the patronage of H.E. the Prime Minister Eng. Nader Dahabi, you are welcome to visit Akhtaboot’s booth at the biggest event for education and training in Jordan, The Education and Training International Exhibition, July 22 – 24, 2009, Zara Expo - Grand Hyatt Hotel, Amman – Jordan. If you are a postgraduate student, undergraduate student, public or private high school student, parent, EDUTEX is the event for you.

EDUTEX will provide the opportunity for thousands of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, public & private high school students, parents, educational professionals, business executives, young professionals and senior governmental officials to meet with various universities, colleges, educational institutions and language centers.

For more information on this event, please visit: http://www.edutexme.com/

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today’s workplace is both unstable and unpredictable; people get fired and switch jobs all the time and in general, staying in the same company for more than five years is really considered a career achievement, but unlike the workplace of the past, employees can no longer be guaranteed the chance of promotion based merely on the fact they’ve served a long time at the same company. To get ahead you need to work above and beyond your standard job description, displaying initiative and competence.

Time and again, we see overrated, unqualified employees get promoted while skilled, hardworking people - like you - get passed over. Most people explain this noticeable randomness of promotions by inventing reasons that only apply in the old outdated job world. To help you on your way up, Akhtaboot will reveal the top10 most common myths about climbing the corporate ladder.

Myth #1: It’s all about who you know

No one can deny the importance of having a professional Network of business contacts, but it’s not the only factor that you need in order to advance in your career. The Reality is that, no matter how huge your network might be, it is definitely not the only factor that leads to career success. There are actually a number of other important qualities such as, experience, intelligence, drive and hard-work that truly distinguish potential executives from their peers.

Myth #2: Catering to your boss’s style and preferences is your guarantee to career advancement

The reality is that your boss is superior to you whether you like it or not, there’re no two ways about it. Sometimes you may be impressed by him and sometimes you just may question his decisions. At the end of the day, your boss is still your boss, and you have to report to him. The best way to handle your relationship with your boss is to have realistic expectations of your role and responsibilities as well as your Boss’ and to make sure you get the appropriate recognition and rewards for your work in order to advance in your career.

Myth #3: No news is good news

Most people think that if they receive little or no feedback about their deficiencies on the job, then they must be doing a good job. This leads to them performing their duties below acceptable standards with no indication that their work is unacceptable. Presented properly, negative feedback can definitely help you correct performance problems and can be one of the most potentially valuable information about yourself that you might ever receive. Often it is the feedback that is most difficult to hear that allows you the most growth opportunity.

Myth #4: Once you get there, there’s no need for you to try hard anymore

Like it or not, the moment you reach the managerial level, you are under the spotlight. Regardless of how you look at it, getting promoted involves consistent hard work. Once you’re in the hot seat you need to look for opportunities to take the lead on new assignments to showcase your skills, abilities, and dedication. Keep in mind that you didn’t wind up in your new position because of your charm and good looks, but for your talent, experience and hard work.

Myth #5: Managers make more money than regular employees

People often believe that any managerial role automatically guarantees higher compensation levels, so it seems like moving into a managerial position is the only way to make more money. It really depends. For example, commission based employees often make more than their managers. Management doesn’t always mean more money; it’s just a different type of work that requires different skills and involves more responsibilities. However, as a general rule of thumb, more money usually comes with greater responsibility.

Myth #6: Managers enjoy more freedom

Many employees believe that managers have far more freedom to make decisions and take action than they have as individual contributors. This is actually not true. Managers often have far less freedom to act alone than you might have anticipated. They have multiple obligations and responsibilities along with many employees to look after. In fact many CEOs and business owners often long for the days when they were starting out and had more time on their hands.

Today’s marketplace requires you to think of yourself as a business. In order for you to succeed in your career, you need to constantly market yourself by selling your skills, abilities and accomplishments to current and potential employers. Practicing the fundamentals of self-discipline and achieving one goal after another will definitely make you indispensable to multiple decision makers.

Whatever might be your job position, work to your potential and make sure your work meets or even exceeds the expectations of your superiors. That doesn’t mean you have to work overtime every week or do your coworkers’ work for them, just take care of your business and then you will be worth your weight in gold!

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