Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ever wonder what makes some companies succeed where others fail? Successful businesses of today’s world have drastically changed their approach towards customer service to meet the challenges of today’s competitive marketplace by using the most recent and modern ways to increase revenue growth and create a culture of success in the months and years to come. One excellent way to achieve that is to place customer needs and concerns at the heart of the business, not on the edge. It is a known fact that satisfied clients are the best promoters of your business. A recent research has shown that satisfied customers inform an average of five other people about their good treatment while unhappy customers may tell around 11 people about their bad experience with the company.

Providing excellent customer service is a definitely a challenge for every Company but as customers ultimately pay the bills and pay the salaries, running away from it is not an option. Akhtaboot presents to you a number of important tips that you should keep in mind in order to handle customer complaints effectively.

Listen, Listen then Listen Some More!

Listening is perhaps the most critical element in workplace communications, yet it remains one of the least understood skills among employees. When it comes to handling complaining customers, you should really understand that it’s not about you as a person but about the products and services that your company offers. While you’re listening make sure that you don’t get defensive as this will stimulate even more anger. Stay calm and make sure that you understand the precise nature of the customer’s complaint. Repeat back the key points of their complaint to show interest. Be positive; at least this customer actually took the time and effort to complain!

Show Interest

You can show interest by simply asking questions about the problem in a caring and concerned manner. Make sure that you ask about the complainer’s name and mention it every now and then as you address him or her. When someone comes to you yelling, try to calm him down by saying “We can work together to solve the problem but first can you please tell me what exactly went wrong”. Identifying the exact problem will not only help you with that particular customer, but will help avoid more complaints in the future.

Say Thank You

As annoying as they may appear to be, complaints are actually positive. Many companies allocate a lot of resources and personnel in order to get customer feedback. You have been granted this gift free of charge so why keep on nagging about receiving a lot of complaints. Instead, the customer deserves to be thanked for approaching the company which such valuable information. A simple “Thank You” is the easiest way to make an outraged customer feel important and appreciated.

Offer an apology

Apologizing indicates that you are taking the complaint seriously and that you are truly sorry about any inconvenience the customer had to face. A genuine apology can actually strengthen a customer’s bond to a company, leaving him or her emotionally connected than a customer who has never experienced a problem. As a representative of your company you have a responsibility to actively work to regain customer goodwill even if it wasn’t actually your fault.

Fix the Problem

Distinguishing between a major and a minor problem can sometimes be tricky. You might overlook a fundamental problem at times and on other occasions you might spend considerable time trying to solve a minor problem which only exists in the mind of the complainer. It’s the responsibility of the customer service representative to figure out the validity and importance of the complaint.

Follow Up

Many customer care representatives think that bombarding complaining customers with follow up calls is essential to please them. Doing so might drive the customer to stop dealing with the company because of the disturbing phone calls. Nevertheless, following up with a customer who has previously complained to the services her received is essential when done in moderation. It signals care and reflects that the company has a sincere desire to keep customers happy.

Tracking customer complaints has become a priority for companies in today’s marketplace. Statistics show that 25% of customers are dissatisfied with their purchases, yet, only 5% actually complain. The other 95% either feel complaining is not worth the effort or they just stop buying because they do not know whom to turn to. Only about 50% of those who complain report a satisfactory problem resolution. Likewise, between 54-70% of customers who register a complaint will do business with the company again if their complaints are fully resolved.

Keep in mind that customer support is not just about fixing a problem, but forming a relationship with buyers and creating an opportunity for future sales. The quality and effectiveness of your products must be accompanied by good customer service in order to succeed. In today’s competitive market, companies that truly understand that it’s all about the customers and their experience with their products, their services, their organization, will be the ones left standing.

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