Monday, April 26, 2010

Akhtaboot (, the Middle East’s top career network, has undergone a major user-focused upgrade. Akhtaboot will roll out the updated, bilingual version of to all its users worldwide with a dynamic new look and an enhanced feature set. The bilingual website was designed in direct response to a comprehensive survey targeted to disclose the underlying recruitment needs of both companies and job seekers. The newly enhanced website provides online visitors with dramatic improvements in navigation, speed, clarity and appearance in addition to a fully bilingual Arabic/English interface, allowing users to shift smoothly between the site’s English and Arabic views.

Improvements to the site include:
  • Improved look and feel - Enhanced graphics and page layouts providing visitors with a consistent look and improved user experience solidifying Akhtaboot’s presence as the leading doorway to jobs in the Middle East.
  • Simplified navigation and sign up - The simplified and consistent navigation allows users to find information faster and easier. Akhtaboot has also revamped and improved the critical job seeker sign up process in order to ensure a larger and more qualified database. In addition, the Employers tab will be placed in a more prominent spot to make it clearer for companies wishing to use Akhtaboot’s recruitment services.
  • New features for job seekers - Job seekers now have the ability to include a cover letter with their job application, notify a friend about a certain job posting and to mark a certain job posting as spam, emphasizing job seeker protection a top priority for Akhtaboot.
  • New features for companies - In an effort to give employers more control over their Akhtaboot account, companies can now create multiple user accounts with specific user rights and passwords assigned to each sub account. Multiple users can now use the same Akhtaboot account to post jobs and search CVs. Moreover, the credit list has vastly increased to include radio job postings as well as job postings targeting candidates locally or globally. Employers also have the option to feature a certain job posting or their company globally or locally on all pages of the Akhtaboot website in addition to being able to post different jobs under the profile of different companies within the same account.
  • Jobs page improvements - Searching for jobs has become quick and easy with Akhtaboot’s simplified filtration process. All job postings will feature corporate logos for enhanced visibility.
  • Expansion of CV search facilities - Akhtaboot has expanded CV search facilities to include the ability to send a certain CV to multiple email addresses as well as displaying CV notes in a thread that highlights the date, the time and the name of the person.
  • Enhanced crediting and online purchasing system - The power of activation is now in the hands of the recruiter. The improved website has features geared specifically to benefit employers through displaying client purchase and credit history. The online shopping experience has also been enhanced to include a shopping cart that allows employers to purchase multiple recruitment services and charge them all at once.
  • Revamped CV writing section – The registration process in the CV writing section of Akhtaboot has been modified by allowing job seekers interested in revamping their CVs to upload their old CVs upon submission of contact information.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conflict between a boss and an employee can be both exhausting and intimidating, yet it is bound to happen in any workplace. Difficult bosses vary in personality from being somewhat controlling and aggressive to being straight up abusive. The way employees handle their difficult bosses may determine their position in the company as well as their long term career success. Akhtaboot presents to you 5 types of difficult bosses and the way to deal with each one of them.

The Control Freak

Control Freak bosses always consider themselves to be overwhelmed and burdened with the task of protecting the ungrateful world from their own mistakes. They are convinced that no one can do things the right way unless they dictate the exact steps of doing it. Their behavior is definitely annoying, yet confronting them would only make the situation even worse. They will only see your behavior as evidence that you’re not interested in doing things right. A good way to deal with a Control Freak boss would be to reassure him that you are taking your tasks seriously, and that he can count on you in handling your own responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Hand over all your deliverable on time and make sure not to miss out on every single detail.

The Absent Boss

If you rarely see your boss and most of your conversations with him are a quick chat in the hallway, then most probably you are dealing with an Absent Boss. The worst part about working with an Absent Boss is that he is rarely aware of the problems caused by his absence. Absent Bosses are rarely present when their approval is required or when a procedure is unclear and their guidance is needed. The secret to getting your boss’s attention is stressing the importance of your work and how your boss’s input is crucial to the project at hand. Once you get his attention, talk in headlines by summing up what decisions he needs to make or directions he needs to give. It might take more effort from your side to get things done, but your manager will respect you for being assertive.

The Whip-Cracker

Most Whip-Crackers are workaholics who don’t have a life and they assume that their employees don’t have a life either. They push their employees to the extreme and are never satisfied with their output. They think that employees are irresponsible slaves who wouldn’t want to work unless they are forced to do so. In order to get you’re the Whip-Cracker off your back, work hard and do not let your work go unnoticed. Demand acknowledgment by showing initiative and introducing new ideas that would benefit the firm. Show your boss that you consider yourself a partner of the firm rather than an employee who only works for a living.

The Scheming Boss

The Scheming Boss is the most dangerous type of bosses who is always planning to fire one person or another. He is highly manipulative, keeping an innocent face while setting up a trap for his prey. He tries to protect himself and his position by firing brilliant and qualified workers who might get in the way of his career success. Always be honest and act with extreme care when dealing with this type of bosses. Don’t hesitate to state your opinion about a specific situation even if it is different from your boss’s opinion, but be careful not to point out his shortcomings as it will never go unpunished!

The Busy Boss

This type of bosses is always impatient with lots of things on his mind, yet he respects all of his employees. He expects everything to be done the instant he asks for it. He may not be fully focused when talking to him and may even surprise you with a “you didn’t tell me that” the next day. When talking to this type of bosses, try to repeat important issues more than once and make sure that he has grasped it and agreed to it by asking: “so this is what we have agreed upon, right?”. Moreover, keep evidence of your communications by sending official emails about each decision taken by you or your boss.

It’s often said that people do not quit a job, they quit a boss. While it is frustrating to work with one of the above bosses, it’s quite possible to be able to manage your relationship with them so that none of you would kill the other. Always remember that your boss is someone who is highly experienced with a lot of wisdom to share on how to reach the position he is in now. Keep in mind that bosses aren’t from another planet, although sometimes they seem to be!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Endeavor invited ten High-Impact Entrepreneurs from Egypt, Jordan, Mexico and Turkey to join its network at an International Selection Panel held in Cairo, Egypt last month.

“In Cairo, Endeavor selected an impressive array of entrepreneurs that are running companies that will not only change industries but also create value-added jobs that are necessary for any growing economy. We are delighted that our Jordanian entrepreneurs, Mohamad Haj Hasan and Yousef Shamoun from Akhtaboot (, were among those selected.” said Endeavor Jordan’s Managing Director, Carmen Saad.

Akhtaboot - Arabic for “octopus” - is an online recruitment company serving the broader Middle East and the GCC markets. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Amman, Jordan, Akhtaboot offers an interactive and dynamic interface that provides job seekers and employers with high value products that maximize their goals. These products include online Job Postings, CV Searches, recruitment assistance services in addition to other specialized offerings.

“We are truly honored and humbled to have been chosen among some of the best companies in Jordan and the Middle East, and the acknowledgment is a true testament to the great creative work of the Akhtaboot Team. This is a time when both jobseekers and companies can and should demand excellence from their recruiting partners. It is great to get this confirmation from Endeavor that validates our efforts as well, and we are honored to be recognized in this way”. Said Yousef Shamoun and Mohamad Haj Hasan, Co-founders of Akhtaboot.

The International Selection Panel is the culmination of a rigorous multi-step Search & Selection Process where top business leaders interview and then offer guidance to entrepreneur candidates. Once selected, Endeavor Entrepreneurs are given strategic advice, access to key networks and other tools that will enable them to grow their businesses. Often overlooked, these local entrepreneurs are initiating private sector development in their respective countries.

Mohamad and Yousef join 9 other Endeavor Entrepreneurs in Jordan representing varying industries, who have been selected since Endeavor Jordan began operations in 2008.

About Endeavor

Endeavor breaks down barriers that prevent emerging-market entrepreneurs from reaching their high-impact potential. Endeavor identifies entrepreneurs leading high-growth innovative companies in emerging markets. These entrepreneurs are given world-class strategic advice, access to key networks and other tools that will catapult them to success. With Endeavor’s guidance they become “high-impact” - expanding employment, generating wealth and inspiring others to innovate. Often overlooked, these local entrepreneurs are now jumpstarting private sector development in their countries.

As of 2009,Endeavor Entrepreneurs throughout Latin America, Egypt, India, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey have created more than 98,000 new jobs and generated over $3.15 billion in revenues. For more information, visit

About Akhtaboot

Akhtaboot ( is an online career network that is committed to providing a user-friendly, effective, and efficient way of linking the right person to the right career opportunity. Akhtaboot is a leading career network in the Levant and GCC region utilizing internet, radio, newspaper, and magazine advertising for employer’s job vacancies.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Achieving the right balance between your work life and your personal life in today’s hectic business world is no simple task. Between work, kids, social and family commitments there is no time left for personal leisure. Nevertheless, you should remember one important thing “life is what you make it”. You have a choice to either surrender to whatever comes your way and live in chaos or you can be proactive by identifying your priorities and scheduling your activities leaving sufficient time for your personal obligations.

If you had to rate your work-life balance on a scale of 1 to 10, what score would you give it? If the chosen score was less than 5 then you have a serious problem that may lead to depression, exhaustion and maybe chronic stress. Akhtaboot presents 5 tips to help you get your work-life in balance.

Organize your Day

Give each activity in your life a fraction of your time. Get a calendar to help you organize your day by setting goals and scheduling appointments such as lunch dates, outings and even sleep hours. Most employees take work home almost every day. Technology has made us more readily accessible to those who needed to reach us urgently, but at what cost? Checking your Blackberry or laptop for work mail every 10 minutes can become one big work blur. Instead of checking your PDA every 2 minutes, stay at work for one extra hour to respond to all of your work emails. The more in control of your projects, tasks and your life as a whole, the less you need these things interrupting you from enjoying the rest of your non-work time. Always remember, work will always be there in the morning!

Learn to Say No

Have you ever felt that you can’t concentrate on the task at hand because every half an hour a coworker interrupts you asking for assistance? One of the most valuable tools for effective time management is recognizing that you don’t have to place other people’s needs before your own. Learning to say No to certain requests when there’s too much on your plate is an effective tool that you should master for better work-life balance. Always identify inquiries that simply aren’t worth your time for effective time management. This advice does not only apply to work but also to personal and social events. Next time you are invited to something, weigh the benefits and costs before saying yes to make sure you don’t compromise your own priorities.

Accept Help

Most professionals do not ask for assistance since they prefer to stay in control and figure things out themselves. Even if you have many years of experience, don’t feel ashamed to ask for help in any area where you lack sufficient knowledge. Moreover, learn to delegate when possible. That doesn’t mean to hand over all of your tasks and sit down doing nothing, but it means passing on some of your responsibilities to your subordinates. Always remember that many of your coworkers may be able to handle some of your work if you give them a chance. When it comes to life outside work, accept help from your partner, family members and friends. For example, ask one of your friends to watch your kids for a night out on the town.

Protect Your Private Time

You may probably think twice before skipping out on a business meeting, doctor’s appointment or a career-related event. Give your private time the same respect you give to your prescheduled appointments. Protect your personal time by turning off your work mobile and laptop whenever you are spending time outside the office. It is not healthy to be one click away of your boss or clients. Make it clear that they should not expect a response from you if they contact you after work hours or on weekends. Moreover, take a ten-minute break every two hours during work day to increase your productivity and efficiency.

Plan Fun & Relaxation

Fun and relaxation are definitely an essential part of leading a well-balanced life. Most of you would think that going on a vacation is not something one should plan beforehand. This is not precisely true. In today’s busy life people can’t afford to let things go unplanned as nothing will be accomplished. Figure out what you want to do while you’re vacationing, and do some research to find out just how you’re going to do that. You do not necessarily need to go abroad in order to relax; you can simply take a novel to the park and enjoy the outdoors, visit the gym or go for a long relaxing walk.

Many employees of today’s world are too busy making a living that they don’t make enough time to create room for their personal life. What you do in your life is in your own hands and finding a balance between your work activities and personal activities should not be left to chance. Work-life balance is all about setting your boundaries and communicating them clearly to everyone. Don’t be one of those who make work life itself and try to get a life of your own!

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