Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to Win in a World Where Hard Work and Talent Aren't Enough!

Believe it or not, almost every workplace is a political environment. While many say that they don't engage in such games, there’s actually little truth to that. Even though we probably might not realize it, we are all engaged in office politics to a certain extent. While the word politics implies doing absolutely anything to get ahead, office politics is really all about building relationships to get things moving at work. As an employer your take on office politics may differ significantly from those whom you supervise. While managing office politics can be a difficult thing to do in diverse companies, trying to maintain a healthy, productive political environment is crucial for success in today’s complex workplace.

Being an office politician might come naturally to some but to others it can develop over time out of necessity. With that being said, one fact remains the same: top performers are those who master the art of winning in office politics. Akhtaboot unveils 5 smart tactics to help you win the political game, the “Ethical” way!

Master the Fine Art of Tactful Bragging

Most employees think they have only two choices when it comes to self-promotion; remaining under the table or sounding arrogant, but neither works! Good self-promoters know this: They’re always planting seeds for the future. They understand that doing a good job doesn’t mean that others will actually realize it. In order to become a top office politician, develop a personal track record as someone who gets results and don’t dwell on your mistakes or others will, too. Celebrate your successes gracefully and tastefully. You never know; it might actually rub off on your coworkers!

Don’t Stick with One Group

By sticking with the same people at work, you are more likely to miss out on the important information or the factual news in your company. Mingling with your coworkers during lunchtime or coffee break is the best way to keep up-to-date with all that is happening in the different departments. Office politicians don't cling too tightly to one crowd; they master the art of making good conversations with both peers and bosses. With that being said, make sure that you don’t become the office “social butterfly” to the extent that you aren’t getting your work done!

Profile Power Figures

Let’s face it; some people have more power than others either through their position or personality. Understanding the informal and formal network is key to becoming a successful office politician. Find out who's who in the organization and identify where the power and influence lay; who are the real influencers? Who is highly respected by everyone? Who has the last word in discussions? Once you profile power figures at your company, build relationships that are based on trust and respect with those who have the informal and formal power while avoiding empty flattery. Pay attention to the way they speak, network and work, and develop your strengths in a way that emulates their behavior.

Be Real to Yourself and Others

Standing up for the right things, being known as a person who is honest, dependable and fair are indispensible qualities of a true office politician. Practice what you preach; do what you say you will do. Whenever you hear something, take some time to evaluate how much credibility it has. Rise above personal conflicts and never rely on confidentiality. Assume things will be disclosed and so decide what you should reveal accordingly. Doing so, you might not be liked by everyone but you will be respected by most for sure.

Have your Say

You know that weekly 30-minute meeting that you all hate because it seems to drag on forever? These meetings might seem irrelevant and very common but they are one of the most important aspects to give attention to when it comes to office politics. Not only this is your chance to be with the people who have the most influence over your promotion, but your are being evaluated by both your peers and boss. Office politics demand that you come prepared for these meetings. Even if you don’t have much to say, be prepared to say something. If you miss your shot, rest assured that your competition will be waiting to pick up the ball.

Office politicking happens whether we admit it or not. Some people try to be noble and refuse to play the political game; they try to focus their efforts on their tasks and hard work hoping that they will be noticed and rewarded. But in fact, there is no such thing as not being part of it. Business is all about competition; from time with important colleagues, prestige, recognition, bigger salaries, to - of course - power. Don't hate the game of politics; step out of your comfort zone and play it to win!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dhahran, May 23, 2011: For the 3rd time in a row, Akhtaboot – the career network partners with King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 28th Career Day, attracting thousands Saudi students seeking to enroll and advance in the different fields of work Akhtaboot offers.

Akhtaboot’s participation comes as part of Akhtaboot Cares Initiative efforts in securing employment opportunities for Saudi citizens and graduates while providing training and guidance on how to successfully approach the Saudi job market with Akhtaboot career lectures and CV evaluation services. Thousands of students visited Akhtaboot booths to learn about the company's recruitment solutions as well as interact with the Recruitment Consultants on the different employment opportunities at Akhtaboot.

From the very beginning, Akhtaboot has made a significant contribution to the development of the country's job market while supporting the careers of young Saudis through targeted professional recruitment and training programs.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Akhtaboot – the career network is proud to announce that it has earned the honor of being included to the “Jordan Fast Growth 30” List, a project of AllWorld Network which highlights the fastest growing privately held businesses in Jordan.

The Jordan30 are part of the “Arabia Fast Growth 500” that will be announced November 15-17, 2011 at the Arabia 500 Awards & Global Summit. Jordan will host the first Arabia 500 Summit, held under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah. This will be the largest convening of growth entrepreneurs ever held outside of the United States. Alongside Akhtaboot, companies- from all over MENA, Turkey and Pakistan are competing for a spot on the Arabia 500.

Yousef Shamoun, Co-founder of Akhtaboot said: “Akhtaboot was founded in 2007 by passionate entrepreneurs who wanted to make a difference in the Middle Eastern job market. Akhtaboot's success, for the most part, depends on its fantastic team and on its ability to link the right person with the right career opportunity. With Akhtaboot making the Jordan 30 List, we feel that we are on the right track with regards to helping people find jobs that are suitable for their skills and in line with their career aspirations, while on the other hand helping companies find the right talent.”

The Jordan30 bring to life Jordan’s knowledge economy with strengths in software, gaming, web communities, e-commerce, animation, telecom, health and education. What truly distinguishes the Jordan30 is the dominance of knowledge-based companies, with Jordan achieving the AllWorld #1 spot for a creative economy.

Congratulations to the Entire Akhtaboot Team!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Akhtaboot is proud to announce that it has been chosen by Proctor and Gamble - a Fortune 500 multinational manufacturer of consumer goods - as Online Recruitment Partner of P&G University Campaign, a yearly career development multi-day event in Saudi Arabia targeting university students and graduates to be on how to sharpen their career related skills when it comes to looking for jobs.

The campaign will be dedicated to supporting over 8,000 students Kingdom-wide by preparing them on how to best land their dream job. Akhtaboot will be there to offer tips to job seekers on how to write an impressive CV and to prepare for a job interview. Akhtaboot will also give tips on how to best use its website to search and apply for jobs.

The 44-day event is going to cover almost all major Saudi universities in Jeddah, Riyadh and Addammam with a total of 44 university visits covering top Saudi universities all over the Kingdom.

Check out the event pictures on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/akhtaboot.saudi.arabia.jobs

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In yet another step towards providing robust career networking functionality via social media, Akhtaboot – the career network (http://www.akhtaboot.com) has enhanced its Facebook Application by giving users a new valuable insight into their personal strengths through social recommendations.

Akhtaboot Facebook application (http://apps.facebook.com/akhtaboot) has social functionalities that include the ability to give and receive personal recommendations about your friend’s top personal traits within a career context. Akhtaboot also plans to build more engaging features in the near future with mutual benefit to both job seekers and employers alike.

Mohamad Haj Hasan, Head of Product Development and Co-founder of Akhtaboot, said:
“Facebook is all about personal networking and social engagement, and with so many people spending so much of their time on Facebook, we think this new development leverages the wealth of useful information trapped in the social graph and uses it to enhance the professional profile of users on Akhtaboot.”
By linking your Akhtaboot account to your Facebook profile, you will now be able to make the most of Akhtaboot’s new social recommendations feature to boost your profile in front of employers, in addition to searching for and applying to jobs directly from within Facebook.
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