Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Whatever might be the reason, many employees eventually choose to quit their jobs. Even if your work situation has been fine, your final days can be the thing that you may be remembered for. You never know; you may want to come back or at the very least, you may need a reference. Unfortunately, many people don’t always end up quitting on good terms. So how can you to do it in a way that doesn't burn your bridges? Akhtaboot provides you with some tips to help you make your exit smooth, positive and professional.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Many employees are getting October's salary before Eid Al Adha to be able to meet the needs of their families. You may get excited and overwhelmed that you go spend it unwisely and it may run out before the next payday. Akhtaboot provides you with some tips to follow in order to make your money last until pay day. 



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Employees usually underestimate the effect of their non-verbal communication on their work relationships. Your body language and facial expressions are very important in social settings, meetings, interviews and everyday work life. Akhtabootprovides you with some tips to master the art of non-verbal communication.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Those who change jobs frequently may be perceived as employees who lack loyalty to their employers which can carry over when searching for new job opportunities. While job-hopping can speed up career development for some people, it can also cost many the job of their dreams. Akhtaboot presents you with some important reasons of why you should stay with one company for a decent amount of time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It takes great leadership to build great teams; leaders who have an understanding of people, their strengths and what gets them excited to perform beyond their job description. Team building is both an art and a science. Akhtaboot provides some tips that can help you form successful teams that are built to last.

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