Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle or the 80-20 rule? This principle states that in many cases, 20% of something is always responsible for 80% of the results. You’re probably wondering what this principle has to do with the topic at hand; actually it has everything to do with it.

You may have noticed that your office or team always seems to have someone who is outperforming, delivering above and beyond what seems to be the average performance. This person may actually be you. But if you’re not, then let Akhtaboot help you turn yourself from an ordinary employee into the company superstar.

Since 20% of the employees produce 80% of the results, you should learn how to leverage your performance in order to stand out and earn yourself a spot in the “20% gang”!

Plan Your Career

It’s really important that you start planning your career as early as possible; if you’re still a student, try to know exactly what you want to do after college. Don’t worry if you are long past your university years, just don’t waste any more time and start planning immediately.

Your career plan should be flexible, clear and realistic. Do not set impossible goals or wait for the perfect job to come your way. Create your own opportunity to sell your skills to the right company at the right time.

Re-assess your career plan every now and then to make sure it makes sense or if you need to modify it.

Learn, Learn and Learn Some More!

Superstars never fail to learn something new everyday, they don’t just settle for what they already know, but instead they constantly ask for feedback on the work they’ve done and are open to new suggestions. Step out of your comfort zone and take advantage of every learning opportunity that comes your way.

Superstars have no problem saying, “I don’t know”. They try to understand “the box” and are ambitious enough to venture out of it as well.

Work On Your People Skills

Superstars are always willing to give coworkers a helping hand; they show interest in others and take the time to know someone as a whole person.

You might even notice that your coworkers feel threatened by you for fear of being replaced, but there are many ways that you can get these people to like you. Try to win them over by letting them know you’re one of them, be nice, ask them questions about their background, interests and family.

If your coworkers think highly of you, your job will be easier and you are more likely to shine.

Bounce Back, Every time!

Winners bounce back every time they fall. They come back better, stronger and smarter. A temporary setback should not hinder your progress, so don’t give up, instead analyze what led to the relapse and try not to fall into the same pattern.

Keep things in perspective, the setback should never prevent you from fulfilling your career goals; just learn from it, accept it and rise above it.

It’s Not All About Money

Although the name “superstar” suggests a higher salary, money shouldn’t be the only reason you work to become a superstar. Superstars don’t think in terms of cash, they are actually motivated by long-term growth and the potential of the job itself.

They may even consider a pay cut because they are confident their new employer will recognize their achievements and contributions, which will result in them being promoted to a better and more lucrative position later on.

Let Your Ego Die

Don’t let your ego run your career. When it comes down to learning something new, your ego shouldn’t be around. Don’t settle for your current level of success and be open to new ideas on how to do things.

Always fix what you screw up, be the first to admit your mistakes and the first to congratulate a coworker when they succeed.

We all have something unique about us that makes us special, but some people always seem to get faster promotions, stand out and make more money.

Success isn’t simply a matter of money, power or prestige; it’s all about work and knowing what you want out of life.

While there’s no one thing that can guarantee equal success for every one of us, it’s really important to remember that success doesn’t happen overnight; there’s always a period of reflection, trial and disappointment before the pieces start falling together.

Despite the fact that we are all surrounded with opportunities, few of us really have the nerve to take advantage of them. The fact that you are actually reading this article proves that you are already far ahead of your coworkers.

If you feel lost in your career and feel that you need a reliable mentor to guide you through your professional challenges, allow Akhtaboot to help you with that, check out the career center at www.akhtaboot.com.

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