Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The British University in Dubai’s Faculty of Business is organizing the first intercollegiate business quiz competition for University and College students in the UAE. The objective of the event is to create a fun-filled atmosphere for learning and acquiring knowledge for University students. It is fervently hoped that the event will motivate students to bring themselves up to date with the latest news and other emerging developments in the following areas; Business, Economics Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Technology, Business History, Management Thinkers and UAE Economy.

Number of Teams:
University students within a University or three students of different Universities can form teams. Only three members are allowed in a team but no restrictions on number of teams colleges or universities can depute to participate at the event. Only students pursuing their undergraduate courses are eligible to participate in the competition. Students will have to produce their student ID’s on the event day. BUID will hold a paper based multiple choice test to all teams as an elimination round. Only five teams will be chosen to compete for the final round. The elimination round will be a paper based MCQs of 30 minutes duration and would consist of 30 Questions.

Quiz Master: Dr Elango Rengasamy – Head of Finance and Banking Programme- The British University in Dubai.

Final Round:
The Top 5 teams from the written preliminary will feature in the Final round. The Finals would consist of 10 to 14 rounds, which include Audio, Video, Image, Rapid-Fire and Clue-based rounds. The Questions could be drawn from the following domains: Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Current Affairs (Business / Economic) – Local, Regional & Global, Business History, Management Thinkers and UAE economy.

Prizes: BUiD will award trophies to the winning team and two runners up team. It will also try and arrange for Airline tickets, laptops, mobile phones, BUiD’s merchandise etc to the winners and runner up teams and if possible for all the participating teams’ .There will be onsite instant prozes for audience from the sponsors/partners at the event.

Sample Questions:

1. Which company's tag line is 'Yours Is Here'?
2. Apart from water, what is the most widely consumed drink in the World? Coffee, Tea or Coca-Cola?
3. What is the first product of Sony?
4. It is made from thermo-plastic paper and the manilla hemp used to make rope, it is designed to withstand boiling water, what is it?
5. What do you understand from the abbreviation? “PIIGS”


1. Dell Computers
2. Tea
3. Sony Rice Cooker
4. Tea Bag
5. PIIGS stands for economically weaker Euro zone nations currently facing downturn. (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain)

Register your Team NOW!


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