Saturday, January 31, 2009

Akhtaboot launched an enhanced version of its Assisted Job Posting service today. Clients who purchase Assisted Job Posting credits with Akhtaboot will now enjoy a more user-friendly form of service delivery with a dedicated tab for Assisted Job Postings. This will allow them to see the short-listed batches of CVs as well as all candidates that have applied to the position in a more intuitive fashion. Akhtaboot will also include the ability to download zip files of the Assisted Job Posting batches of candidates with a summary page of the CVs including any notes that the HR Specialist has added on the candidate.

The Assisted Job Posting service is a premium A to Z service offered by Akhtaboot that includes the following:

  • Understanding the company’s recruitment needs and helping write the job description.
  • Posting the vacancies on and doing all the necessary sorting and filtering.
  • Doing preliminary phone screening to confirm the candidate’s interest in the job, to validate certain information on their CV and to get an understanding of salary expectations.
  • Providing the company with a short-list of candidates based on the requirements and specifications of the job.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mais and Amer (Akhtaboot) at
AIESEC's Gala Dinner

Amer (Akhtaboot) during the
CV writing course

AIESEC's 5th National
Conference Attendees

AIESEC Jordan organized its 5th National Conference in Amman with the support of Akhtaboot, the Career Network, as content development partner. Ahli Bank and Amman Chamber of Industry were also main sponsors.

The program of the conference tackled a number of career development issues such as career planning, CV writing and interviewing skills. The career development sessions were prepared and delivered by representatives of Akhtaboot.

The courses proved to be challenging and stimulating and the feedback from the event was extremely positive, with many of the attendees describing the courses as “educational” and a “valuable use of [their] time”.

The event was attended by over 85 second and third year undergraduates from across all Jordanian universities.

Monday, January 26, 2009

with Ala'a Khatib, Business Development Manager
at ITP

Last Saturday, the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and Akhtaboot teamed up with a number of leading IT and Telecommunications Companies in Jordan to put together the IT & Telecommunication Open Day for both students of NYIT and job seekers who are interested in working within the ICT sector.

The fair took place at the NYIT campus, which is close to the 6th circle, and was hosted by approximately 10 of the top ICT companies in the country. Human resources and IT representatives from these companies were there to inform the attendees about their businesses as well as to showcase their new products and IT solutions.

Participating companies included:

  • Akhtaboot, the Career Network
  • New York Institute of Technology, Training Center
  • Mada
  • Orange
  • iSystems
  • Spotcell, Wireless Media- Mada
  • Wateen Information Technology
  • Compute
  • ITP, Information Technology Planet (Jordan’s Number 1 Web Company of the Year 2008)
  • MyTechPlus, MG Group
  • Brands, Out of the Box

A significant number of students and job seekers attended the full-day event, which took place from 12 noon until 8pm. The event was widely covered in the national media by Rotana Radio, Akhtaboot’s website Al-Ghad Newspaper and Al-Rai Newspaper.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Have you ever sat at your cubicle and asked yourself, what am I doing here exactly? Is this really what I want to be doing for the rest of my life? These are only a few questions many of you ask yourselves on a daily basis. As kids, we would dream of what we would really like to become when we grow up. Some wanted to become dentists others wanted to become businessmen. Whether you actually followed your dreams or not, you must understand that it is never too late to do so!

With that being said, it seems like almost everyone who is stuck in a cubicle is dreaming of quitting their steady job to start their own thing and get rich immediately. If you’re reading this, then there is a good chance that you’ve always wanted to launch your own venture too. As much as the idea of being your own boss appeals to you, you must understand that it may take a lot of hard work and much more than a great idea to launch a successful project. While starting a business involves some risk, working for a traditional employer is not risk-free as well. The dream of starting your own company can become a reality if the proper steps are taken and the proper research is conducted. Akhtaboot will help you decide whether to trade your valuable years of traditional experience for your new business dream.

Come up with the Winning Business Idea

Coming up with an outstanding idea is one of the hardest parts of starting a business. But don’t assume that you have to come up with a brand new idea that hasn’t been tackled before in order to succeed. Although being the first market mover will give you an edge over future competitors, you can still approach the issue by finding something that is already being done that needs improvement. The best place to start is to think of the things that you’re already good at and how you could use your existing knowledge to create a successful business.

Research Your Dream Industry

Starting a new business requires knowing almost everything about the industry as a whole. Fortunately, the Internet is packed with resources and useful information for the entrepreneur-to-be. Take notes, and write down questions that arise while reading. Any new piece of information that you learn, will definitely bring you closer to being ready to tackle your dream. Another good method to learn about the industry is to find a mentor who works within your desired field. As soon as someone agrees to be your mentor, arrange a visit to their workplace where you can observe what he does on a daily basis, take notes on all you see and hear, and don’t forget to ask questions. Remember that those who are willing to invest the time will definitely find the information they need.

The Solid Business Plan

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make during your journey to build a new company is to neglect the importance of writing a solid business plan. When it comes to business planning, there is no single approach more useful than addressing the risks of a new project with a detailed, written-out thought process. Even if you believe that you have the business plan carved out in your head, your idea will not become a reality unless you first put it into writing. If it’s only in your head, then that’s where it will stay!

Surround Yourself with the Right People

Bring in people who complement your skills to fill in the gaps. Remember that you will not succeed on your own; you have to surround yourself with the right people who you can help you in reaching your goals. One excellent way to start is to team up with someone who has demonstrated success in the market of your interest. Akhtaboot is the place to find high caliber candidates for your new venture. Just go to to find out more on how you can fill your job vacancies and attract the right talent to your company. A successful team member is someone who has actually launched a similar project or worked with a company in the industry you are launching your new company in. Keep in mind that the best way to attract the right people is to show real passion for your idea and exude a confidence that it will succeed.

Secure Appropriate Financing

One of the major obstacles that people face when starting a business is the security of appropriate financing. People often think that the only place to obtain the money they need to start a business is the bank. However, there are several options to take into consideration when looking for financing such as friends, family, investors or even your personal savings. Make sure to maintain a cash cushion to live on for at least six months, since you likely won’t generate any substantial income in the beginning. Keep in mind that it’s easier to raise money before you launch your new venture than it is after you’ve failed to meet your financial targets.

Being new to the business world can definitely be risky; you may be thinking about whether you will become successful or whether you will go nowhere. You must understand that people are risk-averse by nature, especially when it comes to losing something they already have, such as their secure job. This may cause people not to live up to their full potential, including starting up their own business. It is important to note that there are also a lot of people who start up their own business and fail. Having setbacks is expected in any new business. But a setback or even three should not slow you down or affect your self-confidence! It’s always better to try and learn from your mistakes than to have never tried at all. Remember that living inside the box might seem safe and comfortable but bigger things might be waiting for you on the outside!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

As the job market becomes more and more competitive, job seekers are going to great lengths to set themselves apart from the crowd in order to stand out. But how can you, as a recent graduate, develop the essential marketable skills and build up your CV while testing the employment waters?

For fresh graduates and job seekers trying to gain entry into the industry of their interest, an internship can be the only means to try out a new job and gain hands on experience in a wide variety of career fields without making a permanent commitment that you might regret later on.

Whether you take on a position in the same company you interned at or not, working with professionals will not only help you build your career network, but it also offers many useful references and information about future job opportunities. Akhtaboot unveils a number of useful tips that will help you make the most out of your internship and to pursue the right career path for yourself.

Choosing the Right Internship

Research companies in the career field of your interest. Whichever way you contact these companies, be sure to mention that you’re looking for an internship and not a full time job. Let them know that you’re looking for any kind of experience in the industry, whether it’s through an internship or a more informal arrangement such as volunteering. Many online job websites such as Akhtaboot ( include internship listings as well as company profiles and other helpful information.

Take Initiative

What is most important for you as an intern is to stand out; performing above and beyond what is expected of you will help you gain the respect of your boss and coworkers. When something needs to be done in the office and nobody seems eager to do it, offer to work overtime or during the times when you don’t have anything else to do. But remember, do your required tasks first before you volunteer to take on any new projects.

You Are Still an Intern After all

During your internship period, always keep in mind that you are still an intern; nobody expects you to be an expert in everything. In fact, your coworkers are the ones responsible for your career training. Feel free to ask questions when you are faced with any difficulties. You will learn more this way rather than assuming how things work. One of the biggest mistakes an intern can make is to walk into an organization thinking that they know everything and have everything under control.

Forget About the Money… For Now

Internships don’t usually pay in the same way that full-time jobs do. Don’t let your need to earn money distract you from your main goal, which is gaining the necessary experience. If you choose a career only for the money but don’t have the required skills to do the job, chances are that you won’t hold that job for long, assuming you even land one to begin with. Keep in mind that this isn’t just a job; it is actually an educational experience as well. Be sure to master what you’ve learnt and money will definitely follow when the time is right.

It’s Not Just About the Experience!

Internships are not just career help programs from the company’s point of view, they are actually an effective way for employers to identify and cultivate employees for their company or other companies in the industry. Interns who understand this fact give their best effort and make sure that they learn everything they can about the business. Knowing how to position the experience that you’ve gained is key. Potential employers won’t necessarily care if you interned at a certain company; they’ll be much more impressed with the skills that you gained and the projects that you worked on.

Flaunt Your Networking Skills

The number one advantage of an internship is the relationships you build with the professionals you meet during that short period of training. This network can be of great value to you throughout your career, but you have to work on it. Make sure that you stay in touch with those who might be able to help you in the long run. Since you are the one leaving after the internship is over, following up is definitely something that you need to do.

It’s never too late to apply for an internship program in order to gain experience in the field of your interest. Many recent and not-so-recent university graduates arrange their own internships after graduation.

While most internships offer good learning experiences; some will fall short of your expectations. Make sure that yours provides an excellent learning experience by asking specific questions about what you will be learning and doing. Most companies provide interns with a detailed description of the internship before they agree to accept the position.

Even if your internship doesn’t work out, your career will not be affected. Internships are always a good way to discover if you find yourself in a particular industry. Whatever the case might be, consider it a learning experience. It’s always better to discover certain things as an intern rather than during a full-time position!

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