Thursday, January 1, 2009

As the job market becomes more and more competitive, job seekers are going to great lengths to set themselves apart from the crowd in order to stand out. But how can you, as a recent graduate, develop the essential marketable skills and build up your CV while testing the employment waters?

For fresh graduates and job seekers trying to gain entry into the industry of their interest, an internship can be the only means to try out a new job and gain hands on experience in a wide variety of career fields without making a permanent commitment that you might regret later on.

Whether you take on a position in the same company you interned at or not, working with professionals will not only help you build your career network, but it also offers many useful references and information about future job opportunities. Akhtaboot unveils a number of useful tips that will help you make the most out of your internship and to pursue the right career path for yourself.

Choosing the Right Internship

Research companies in the career field of your interest. Whichever way you contact these companies, be sure to mention that you’re looking for an internship and not a full time job. Let them know that you’re looking for any kind of experience in the industry, whether it’s through an internship or a more informal arrangement such as volunteering. Many online job websites such as Akhtaboot ( include internship listings as well as company profiles and other helpful information.

Take Initiative

What is most important for you as an intern is to stand out; performing above and beyond what is expected of you will help you gain the respect of your boss and coworkers. When something needs to be done in the office and nobody seems eager to do it, offer to work overtime or during the times when you don’t have anything else to do. But remember, do your required tasks first before you volunteer to take on any new projects.

You Are Still an Intern After all

During your internship period, always keep in mind that you are still an intern; nobody expects you to be an expert in everything. In fact, your coworkers are the ones responsible for your career training. Feel free to ask questions when you are faced with any difficulties. You will learn more this way rather than assuming how things work. One of the biggest mistakes an intern can make is to walk into an organization thinking that they know everything and have everything under control.

Forget About the Money… For Now

Internships don’t usually pay in the same way that full-time jobs do. Don’t let your need to earn money distract you from your main goal, which is gaining the necessary experience. If you choose a career only for the money but don’t have the required skills to do the job, chances are that you won’t hold that job for long, assuming you even land one to begin with. Keep in mind that this isn’t just a job; it is actually an educational experience as well. Be sure to master what you’ve learnt and money will definitely follow when the time is right.

It’s Not Just About the Experience!

Internships are not just career help programs from the company’s point of view, they are actually an effective way for employers to identify and cultivate employees for their company or other companies in the industry. Interns who understand this fact give their best effort and make sure that they learn everything they can about the business. Knowing how to position the experience that you’ve gained is key. Potential employers won’t necessarily care if you interned at a certain company; they’ll be much more impressed with the skills that you gained and the projects that you worked on.

Flaunt Your Networking Skills

The number one advantage of an internship is the relationships you build with the professionals you meet during that short period of training. This network can be of great value to you throughout your career, but you have to work on it. Make sure that you stay in touch with those who might be able to help you in the long run. Since you are the one leaving after the internship is over, following up is definitely something that you need to do.

It’s never too late to apply for an internship program in order to gain experience in the field of your interest. Many recent and not-so-recent university graduates arrange their own internships after graduation.

While most internships offer good learning experiences; some will fall short of your expectations. Make sure that yours provides an excellent learning experience by asking specific questions about what you will be learning and doing. Most companies provide interns with a detailed description of the internship before they agree to accept the position.

Even if your internship doesn’t work out, your career will not be affected. Internships are always a good way to discover if you find yourself in a particular industry. Whatever the case might be, consider it a learning experience. It’s always better to discover certain things as an intern rather than during a full-time position!



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