Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What really makes employees happy at Work!

There is no doubt that employees expect to be able to pay their bills and maybe have some extra cash on the side. But with the implications of the current financial crisis, many of us have started re-examining our requirements when it comes to choosing a new company or job. While a fat paycheck might be tempting to take on a new job offer, everyday tasks and the company mission and culture can also be major factors in whether you will be content in your position or not.
When talking about employee job satisfaction, a number of relatively universal factors arise that are actually based on very basic psychological needs. Tackling into these sources of motivation will lead to a long-term sense of personal commitment and can definitely breed loyalty to a company. Said another way, it’s much easier to get employees to do something that has to be done because they want to do it.

So is it all about money afterall? Akhtaboot reveals the top factors that keep employees working at a company even when there are other opportunities out there.

Professional Development

High performing employees are learners by nature. They like to have career paths they can work toward. The moment their learning curves start going down, that’s when they start to think about quitting and responding to headhunter calls. In order for employers to keep their team engaged they need to find ways to challenge them and utilize their skills effectively. If an employee’s knowledge exceeds his or her current position, consider promoting them to a new job. The more valued your employees feel, the more engaged, motivated and happy they’ll be!

Job Security

With the massive layoffs as a result of the current recession, employees have returned to basics citing job security as one of most important aspects of employment. When it comes to motivating and keeping employees, job security is essential. Wise companies are starting to adopt new ways in helping their employees learn how to stay employable. If employees stay up-to-date and add value on their current job, most certainly they will be in the front seat of their responsibilities, not only tagging along for the ride hoping that they might get to a place they like. In other words, employees are expected to think and act like entrepreneurs!

Autonomy and the Sense of Ownership

Autonomy is the exact opposite of micro-management. Employees usually like having some control over their tasks and making decisions. It makes them feel as if they are a vital part of the business. Companies that create a culture of trust, clarity and openness in the workplace will definitely have more committed workers who are more interested in performing their jobs. Although the concept of autonomy is perceived differently among corporate cultures, the point is that in spite of the autonomy form applied at your company, companies that instill a sense of ownership and autonomy among employees have better performance, higher employee loyalty and lower turnover.

A Positive Work Environment

It only makes sense that employees who are happy within their work environment will be far more productive than those who are uncomfortable. If an employee is working in an environment where there is a lot of negativity among coworkers this can reduce his or her moral. The first step into creating a positive work environment is to try to maintain a zero tolerance policy for negative attitude. In order to create a workforce of positive employees, the fastest, simplest and cost-efficient way is to hire people who are optimistic and cheerful by nature. Leaders also need to be a role model by always displaying optimism, focusing on solutions and smiling.

A Visionary Boss

It is often said that people don't really leave jobs, they leave bosses. A great boss gives direction and guidance to his team members. An exceptional boss takes an appropriate interest in each employee as a person. Employees like to be challenged to do their best, so as a manager you need to know when to push and when to back off so as to draw out the best from your team. Exceptional leaders trust that the people they hire are smart enough to do their job, even if they might do it differently!

All companies understand the fact that it is generally less expensive to retain good employees than find new ones. When it comes to employee retention, companies tend to think about money as being the key motivator. While money talks to most people, it shouldn't have the final say. Companies need to set a culture that makes employees want to do a better job. To foster long term, sustained motivation, organizations must inspire employees to draw their motivation from the inside!


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