Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Avoid them now before it’s too late!

It’s a known fact that we spend more time at work than anywhere else, so as a result it becomes inevitable that your coworkers will sometimes get on your nerves. In fact, it is very possible that you are a source of annoyance yourself! Although we sometimes find it hard to own up to having weird quirks or annoying habits, when it comes to the workplace, it’s really important that we try to leave our annoying habits at home. While your coworkers try to be tolerant of others’ behaviors most of the time, there are a number of common annoying habits which will irritate even the most pleasant colleague!

Criticizing People 

Criticism at work can be a huge confidence shaker, and if you’re not cautious with your words it can affect your relationships with your coworkers. Learning how to give criticism in a controlled manner will increase the chance that it will be heard and acted upon. Whenever you feel the need to criticize a coworker's behavior, always provide a solution. Constructive criticism involves pointing out the weak spot while offering a solution to correct it. In both our private and professional lives, the ability to effectively deal with people is crucial to the building of our success, so make sure that your coworkers know that your constructive criticism is done because you care about them.

Claiming Credit you Don’t Deserve

One of the most annoying habits that you can do at work is to always try to personally attribute the credit for the achievement to yourself even if you weren’t responsible for it. This will not only add insult to the injury of your coworkers, but will shake your image as a credible and honest person. Get in the habit of giving others the credit and recognition they deserve as this will boost the moral of your coworkers and will position you as a fair team player.

Withholding Information

One of the most harmful and destructive mistakes that you can do at work is withholding vital information. Whenever managers or coworkers refuse to share public, timely and vital information that others have a right to know, irreversible harm is done to a company. This selfish, immature behavior impacts morale, credibility and affects creativity and teamwork. While it is true that knowledge is power, the reality is only knowledge shared and put to work is power. Knowledge sharing is definitely crucial to help you, your coworkers and your company in meeting your objectives. Practice it within your scope of influence and encourage others to do the same.

Coming to Work When Sick

You might think that coming in to work even when you’re down with the flu shows dedication and commitment, when in fact, it’s absolutely irritating. No one wants to sit next to someone who is constantly sniffling, sneezing and coughing their germs all over the office. The truth is the office will not come to a total chaos if you miss a couple of days of work. However, if you really had to go to work make sure you don't spread illnesses around your office; avoid close contact with your fellow workers, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue everytime you cough or sneeze, clean your hands regularly and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Borrowing Things without Permission

Borrowing stuff without asking or borrowing without the intention of returning is what we call stealing! Doing so will not only cause your coworkers to avoid dealing with you, but will also shake their trust in you as a person. Whenever you borrow a personal item, make sure that you return it promptly and in a good condition to avoid any annoyance or resentment that may occur. Keep in mind that any borrowing that occurs between coworkers can jeopardize your relationship no matter how small the item of interest is.

Disrespecting Coworkers’ Privacy

We are most likely to work in a cubicle or an open area so it is sometimes inevitable to invade coworkers’ privacy without intending to. For example, we sometimes overhear parts of conversations others are having. The worst thing that you can do in such cases is to decide to join the conversation with the intention of saving the day or to provide valuable insight. It is important that we respect other people’s privacy if we want ours to be respected as failing to do so is not only considered bad manners but could cost you your coworker’s friendship.

Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into but hard to get out of. It goes without saying that you should avoid the habits outlined above. Keep in mind that office environments typically require us to work in fairly close quarters, so a little consideration and cooperation can make life at work a lot easier. Concentrate on getting your work done and treating everyone as your equal, you will find that you are treated with more respect by others at work.

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