Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Find out which type of career best suits your personality.

Many people choose their career paths for all the wrong reasons; they could be influenced by their parents, or they could be passing time until they figure out what they really want to do but end up in the same job for tens of years. When it comes to identifying a suitable life partner, we all look for someone with compatible personality traits. You should do the same thing when choosing your career. It’s a known fact that your personality type may be better suited for one career path over another and more often than not, if you choose a career that doesn't suit your character you become confused, unhappy and will end up switching jobs. Allow Akhtaboot to help you dig deep inside yourself to help you identify what you’ll be good at based on your personality type, instead of choosing a career based on what you think you should do.

Identifying your Interests

Your personal interests have already influenced many of the choices you made in life: your choice of university degree, the things you like to do in your spare time and the holidays. Your interest may also have been responsible for many of the friends you have made and helped you to develop your personal skills. The same personal interests are likely to have a similar influence on your career. For some people, an interest is of such importance in their life that it is the main influence on their career choice. Identifying the activities you enjoy doing and like to spend most of your time on can help you make a wise and fulfilling career choice.

Identifying your Skills

We all have skills that can be valuable in our work role. Without ever having had a job, or any related training, you are qualified to perform many jobs. Skills that are gained from voluntary work, personal hobbies, education, or any other life experiences are just as important as those skills gained from work experiences. Does owning a blog have anything to do with work? Well, almost all companies need people who write frequently, stay in touch with the media, and can produce original, creative content on the spot. Having a blog is a great way to sharpen your writing skills. Once you start identifying the skills you have, your areas of strength, your areas for growth, you can form an idea on the job type that suits your career ambitions.

Identifying your Personal Values

We all have several values that are important to us. In order to discover your own personal values, you must first understand who you are and what you’re bringing to your workplace. Start by asking yourself the following questions: What do you stand for? What do you believe in? What is important to you? It might take you some time to figure out the right answers for you, however doing so will definitely help you figure out what your core values are. There’s something about actually writing down your values that makes you more committed to try to follow them when pursuing a career.

Identifying your Personality

Research shows that if your personality type matches your job you will achieve greater job satisfaction and career success. Those who succeed in finding a job that is compatible with their personality are usually highly motivated and energized by their jobs. They are eager to get to work because their career lets them take advantage of the natural preferences and strengths of their personality. A good way to determine your career personality type is to take a psychometric test such as MBTI (Myers-Briggs©) which analyzes a candidate’s personality in a career context. You can find out more about your personality with the MBTI on Akhtaboot.com for free.

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