Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Soft Skills Can be More Important than You Think

Most job seekers wish they could unlock the secrets to getting hired in today’s hectic marketplace. You don’t have to be a genius to know that it’s a tough time to land a job nowadays. Global unemployment, as officially measured, remains at record highs for the third straight year since the start of the economic crisis. But when it comes to landing a job, one fact remains the same: Employers aren't just looking for someone who looks good on paper; they want people who can add value to their business. Wouldn’t it be great if you could enter into the mind of a hiring manager and see what they’re looking for in the hiring process? With this information, you could tailor your personal skills to meet their requirements and easily land a great job.

So what sort of characteristics, skills and qualifications do employers look for when it comes to recruiting employees? Akhtaboot unveils these must-have ‘soft’ skills that can get you one step closer to nailing your dream job.

Communication Skills

Communication is definitely not only about the words you say; you can have an excellent vocabulary and still be a bad communicator. In fact, excellent communication skills are opposite; it is using fewer words while making a greater impact. According to studies words actually contribute to about 7% of meaning. This clearly shows that communication is more than just words; it’s the ability to convey thoughts, opinions, messages, suggestions, questions and answers in an appropriate and professional manner. Keep in mind that if you can’t get a message across clearly to motivate others to act upon it, then having a message doesn’t even matter!

Willingness to Learn

No one is born with unlimited knowledge on how to perform at work. No matter what your age is, no matter how much experience you have, you should always be willing to learn and improve your skills. This might sound cheesy, but no matter how you look at this, it is actually true. A great way to keep an edge over other job seekers in today’s competitive job search is to take advantage of any learning opportunity that comes your way. Join professional associations, subscribe to industry magazines and stay updated with innovations and developments in your field. In job interviews, stress your willingness to learn. If you’ve taken courses and attended workshops, seminars, conferences and other professional events throughout your career, make sure to tell your prospective employer about it. Always remember, those that know the most are the ones who aren't afraid to learn more.

Positive Attitude

We've all faced a negative work colleague or a depressing work environment at some point. Perhaps your experience was brief, or maybe it is the usual operating mode for you. It is also very possible that you are the source of negativity at work. Having a negative work attitude can definitely affect your success, job satisfaction and productivity. With the recent economic crisis, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude when it comes to your job hunt. Instead of falling prey to the negative work attitudes that surround you, make an effort to break the trend. Start by observing how you communicate with others; avoid sarcasm, look for the good in people and always stab people in the front. It is always nicer to get a pat on the back rather than to get stabbed in the back!

Teamwork Skills

Teamwork is one of the most valuable factors that contribute towards high levels of excellence within the company. You can easily judge a person's character by how well he or she works with other team members. Working side-by-side with people of different generations, cultures and demographics is an indispensible skill that is becoming more and more important in today’s workplace. Teamwork also includes the ability to persuade others, negotiate and compromise when you don’t agree with someone. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit.

Work Ethics

Ethics is a key element for productivity, efficiency and job satisfaction in the workplace. The nature of the relationships you have with your colleagues sets the environment and the culture of your workplace. Accordingly, bad manners can destroy any positive mood or good vibes within team members. Ethics are a set of common personal characteristics that employers look for in a potential candidate. They include loyalty, courteous manners and respect for others. People who display respectful gestures, polite manners and professionalism will always be ahead of the job search game.

The rules for success in business are changing daily, yet people are still searching for the magical formula that can help them succeed in their careers. With that being said, more and more organizations around the world recognize that in order to gain a competitive advantage, they need to make sure their people know how to handle themselves at work, relate with their clients and peers. From showing empathy, optimism and extreme self-awareness to knowing what's going on around you, these vital competencies will allow the human aspects of your personality to shine.


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