Tuesday, July 24, 2012

People resign for many different reasons. Top talent usually leave an organization when they’re badly managed and when they feel that the organization is confusing and uninspiring. Akhtaboot provides you with simple tips to keep in mind to help you keep your best talent on board.

1. The Employee-Manager relationship is the cornerstone in retaining top talent. In some cases, employees do not quit their job; they quit their boss as a result of having a bad relationship with him. Managers should nurture a good relationship with their subordinates to achieve high performance levels and keep them from leaving the company.

2. Many people leave their organization when they feel they are no longer learning. Whenever a top employee feels that his skills are not being used to the maximum, they will start considering other job opportunities.

3. Always give credit to the right people, treat everyone fairly - not equally - and appreciate the hard work they put in.

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