Tuesday, July 3, 2012

There are a number of work-related beliefs that can actually give your career path a hard time. People who hold on to such toxic beliefs tend to have low self-esteem, lack of confidence and are less likely to succeed on the job. Akhtaboot is here to revel a number of negative beliefs that you need to avoid in order to shine.

1. My self-worth is based on what others think of me – Some employees determine their self-worth based on what their boss, co-workers, relatives and friends think of them. When they are convinced that others think poorly of them they instantly lose confidence in themselves. Don't let others opinions get to you, especially when they're not based on solid arguments.

2. Playing it safe - Upon experiencing a series of setbacks, some employees assume that their goals are not achievable and that they will never make it past their mistakes. Over time, they become discouraged and start avoiding situations where failure is a risk. Keep in mind that if you don't make any mistakes, you are no longer learning.

3. I have to do all the work myself - People who seek perfection, must learn how to delegate some tasks to their subordinates. At the end, you cannot do all the work yourself and you’ll miss out on new opportunities that will help you advance.

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