Thursday, December 31, 2009

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in education throughout the globe. Most parents are investing in their children by educating them and preparing them to face the highly demanding work environment. As a result, thousands of students graduate from universities with similar degrees. With that in mind, what really matters nowadays are the competitive attributes that distinguish you from other candidates. Akhtaboot presents to you the 8 essential attributes that employers look for in potential candidates. Try to master one or more in order to be able to compete effectively in the job market.

The Remarkable CV

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.” Mason Cooley.

Don’t underestimate the power of a CV because a well written CV will certainly get you an interview. Your CV is the first instrument that you can use to exceptionally brand yourself. Therefore, use it efficiently to highlight your strengths and to bury your weaknesses. What is even better is to turn your weaknesses into strengths. For example, if you do not have a university degree, you need to emphasize your job experience. But the question remains: Will my CV get me a Job? Probably no, but an interview will!

Relevant Work Experience

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” Barry LePatner.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why most of the employers you applied for have never called you back? One reason may be the lack of relevant experience. Therefore, set your long term career goals and plan your way to reach your goals by applying to jobs that will enable you to gain the relevant experience and prepare you for your dream job. After all, reaching the top won’t happen overnight!

Good Cultural Fit

You just can’t fit a Cadillac in the India Cultural Center.” Dawn Hudson.

Managers tend to create a culture for their organizations that is compatible with their own way of thinking. The culture of any organization is a set of shared values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors among all employees. Research the company’s culture before you go to the interview and check if you match their general environment. In the interview, emphasize how you fit the culture by sharing experiences and stories that the Company can relate to.

The Ability to Work in Teams

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford.

Learning to work in teams is vital element to your career success. Believe it or not it can sometimes be harder than working on your own. The good news is that you can definitely learn how to be an effective team member. Cooperate with other team members, try to share as much information as you can with them and don’t hesitate to offer help whenever your expertise is needed. In the interview, state real examples on how you have added value to your previous team members.

Problem Solving Skills

Leaders are problem solvers by talent and temperament, and by choice.” Harlan Cleveland.

These days, managers prefer to hire people who can be counted on to solve problems and handle responsibility. It is not professional to go back to your manager seeking his help whenever you face a tiny insignificant issue. Instead, try to research and find the solution yourself. Remember that you can find any type of information over the Internet, so don’t go running to your manager until you have exhausted all the resources available to solve the problem.


If you can’t ride two horses at once, you shouldn’t be in the circus.” American Proverb.

Some jobs require you to have more multitasking abilities than other jobs. If you have limitations to your multitasking abilities, try to apply for jobs that require more routine tasks such as sales. At the end of the day, managers want things to get done on time. Therefore, your most important mission is to set priorities for your tasks and manage your time in a way that enables you to finalize them.

Long-term Commitment

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” Peter F. Drucker.

Companies’ biggest fear nowadays is the loss of employees’ loyalty and long-term commitment, especially after the recent financial crisis. Companies have been forced into lay-offs, which in turn have affected employees’ morale. Due to this fact, managers have become more hesitant to trust their newly hired employees until they show constant interest for the good of the company. Present new ideas, give your opinion about critical issues and offer help to your colleagues whenever you feel your expertise can add value.

Communication Skills

The art of communication is the language of leadership.” James Humes.

Nowadays, soft skills are more important for managers than technical ones especially in areas where there is a lot of interaction with clients and outside parties. The perfect employee would be cheerful, diplomatic, patient and able to deliver complex information in a simple manner.

Remember that employers don’t expect to find all 8 characteristics in you. If you think that you have one or two, try to strengthen them and highlight them in the interview in order to impress the employer. Don’t waste time trying to create something you don’t have. Instead, focus on a couple of attributes and master them in order to shine!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mr. Philip Diab - CEO of Leadership Formation,Dr.
Amjad Al-Aryan - CEO of Pharmacy1, Osama
Fattaleh - COO of Aramex during the Pannel

Under the Patronage of Her Excellency Suhair Al Ali, Minister of Planning, Leadership Formation held the first ever Executive Forum on Organizational Success and Excellence in collaboration with Akhtaboot as main online media sponsor. The event was held on December 9, 2009 at the Sheraton Hotel and attracted participants from diverse organizations and industries.

Attendees had the opportunity to learn from renowned leaders of global and regional organizations about best practices and approaches for excellence and growth in today’s business world. Featuring world-class leaders in the fields of project management, strategic excellence, leadership and governance, the single day event provided invaluable insights for corporations, non-governmental organizations and government agencies facing the challenges of growth, development, and sustainability.

Keynote speakers shared their personal experiences on topics regarding Organizational Success and Excellence. Speakers included: H.E. Suhair Al-Ali, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation; Mr. Gregory Balestrero, the CEO of the Project Management Institute, a global association with nearly 400,000 members and a similar number of certification holders (PMPs); Ms. Linda Crompton, the CEO of BoardSource, an organization dedicated to advancing the public good by building exceptional non-profit boards and inspiring board service; Mr. Ricardo Vargas, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Project Management Institute(PMI); Mr. Philip Diab, the CEO of Leadership Formation, a consulting firm that enables organizational success in strategy, alignment, execution, and people.

In addition to keynote speakers, a number of panel discussions were held throughout the Forum, allowing local experts and members of the audience to tackle core topics related to leadership. Panelists included: H.E. Nadia Al-Saeed, General Manager of Union Bank; Osama Fattaleh, Chief Operations Officer of Aramex; Dr. Amjad Al-Aryan, Chief Executive Officer of Pharmacy 1; Khalil Khouri, Chief Executive Officer of NSCC; Andrew Cobb, Chief Projects Officer of Arab Bank; Haifa Najjar, Superintendent of the Ahliyyah School for Girls and Bishop’s School for Boys and GAM City Council Member; Amal Shabib, Chief Planning & Development Officer of Nuqul Group; Abed Shamlawi, Chief Executive Officer of Int@j.

As main online media sponsor, Akhtaboot has actively promoted the event through its website ( and other social media channels so as to attract Companies and individuals interested in learning about best practices and approaches for excellence and growth.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teams have become a strategic tool in organizations’ success. Due to the recent financial crisis, organizations are restructuring themselves in order to be able to compete effectively and efficiently in the highly demanding market. Management in many organizations has agreed that teams are more flexible and responsive to the continuous changing environment than traditional departments. Teams have the capability to quickly unite, organize, coordinate, adapt and disband.

Contrary to the traditional belief, the success of a team depends less on how clever, talented or qualified employees are, and more on how they behave. Employees should be able to understand their team roles within a particular team; this will assist them in developing their strengths, managing their weaknesses and improving their overall contribution to the team.

Akhtaboot presents the nine roles that make up a balanced and successful team; each is grouped within three main types of employees.

Action Players: Result Oriented Employees

The Team Executive – Implementer

Have you never missed a deadline? Do you like to turn people’s ideas into positive action? Are you are willing to handle jobs everyone else avoids or dislikes? If you answered yes to all of the above, then you are an “Implementer”. Implementers rarely miss deadlines and are eager to turn decisions and strategies into defined and manageable tasks, sorting out objectives and pursuing them logically. However, most implementers are close-minded and inflexible.

The Doer – Shaper

Do you like to be challenged? Do you tolerate working under pressure? Do you usually say what’s on your mind? Do you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals? All the above characteristics define a perfect “Shaper” who gives structure and energy to the team and directs them towards achieving results. Yet, while they strive to achieve their objectives, Shapers sometimes forget to be sensitive to the feelings and perceptions of others.

The Perfectionist – Completer

Have you ever been frustrated from a teammate who worries excessively about minor details and refuses to delegate tasks? Sorry for the bad news, but you can’t kick him out of the team because nothing will be finalized without this annoying team member. What we call a “Completer” is a perfectionist who will often go the extra mile to make sure everything is just right. Completers are detail-oriented and motivated by their own high standards.

Saviors: Problem Solving Employees

The Genius – Plant

Don’t ever underestimate a “Plant”! He is quiet and silent, but when the time is right he astonishes the team with innovative and creative ideas. Plants are open-minded and willing to accept change. They are geniuses but have low communication skills, as they are unable to deliver and convince other team players of their ideas.

The Person Who is Loved by Everyone – Monitor

“Monitors” are fair and logical observers, they judge their colleagues based on what they actually see. In most situations and problems, Monitors will make the right decision, as they are unbiased and are able to see all options with the greatest clarity. They take everything into account; they move slowly and analyze all aspects of the situation. However, they can become excessively enthusiastic for some things without logical grounds, and they may face difficulties inspiring themselves or others to be passionate about their work.

The Know-it-all – Specialist

Have you ever felt that there is only one team member who you always can turn to when you are stuck or when you need information about a specific subject? He is the “Specialist” of the team. Specialists tend to be the most knowledgeable about their own particular field, as they are eager about learning and educating themselves. They are constantly working to improve their skills and wisdom. Specialists bring a high level of concentration, knowledge and expertise to the team, but they limit their involvement to cover this narrow aspect of team work.

Feeling Employees

The Leader – Coordinator

Have you ever felt deceived by a team member who only implies to others what they should do but he does nothing to help? Unfortunately, this team member is playing the leader role and he manages the team’s chaos. By default, the “Coordinator” becomes responsible for organizing tasks among team members. He explains group goals, sets the agenda and the timeline but does not dominate discussions.

The Fuel of the Team – Teamworker

“Teamworkers” are the oil that keeps the team engine running. They are good listeners and excellent in resolving conflict. The value of Teamworkers tends to show only when they are absent and when the team begins to argue and no one is there to solve the problem. Because of their unwillingness to take sides, a Teamworker may not be able to take decisive action.

The Thief – Resource Investigator

The “Resource Investigator” is enthusiastic; he vigorously pursues contacts and opportunities at the start of the project and passes his enthusiasm to other team members. He focuses his attention on building relationships outside the team rather than concentrating on internal issues. Unlike a Plant who strives to create new ideas, a Resource Investigator would rather steal them from outside parties. Yet, he tends to lose his energy by the end of a project and he starts to neglect small details.

The success of a team is not only about having all the above team member types, it’s also about the integration and coordination of these roles. Teams can be made up of 4 to 12 employees; therefore, it’s not necessary for a team to have all the 9 mentioned roles. Best teams, regardless of their size, try to utilize the benefits of each member’s role toward achieving a common goal, so keep in mind that wearing the same t-shirt doesn’t make you a team!

Monday, October 26, 2009

In its ongoing commitment to support Jordan’s young graduates to find the right job and plan their career path, Akhtaboot- the career network showed its continuous support to Maharat Program by participating in Maharat Face to Face job fair which was held on Oct 19th at the Sheraton Hotel, Amman.

Maharat is an Employment and Training Program for Jordanian recent graduates that provides a world-class development opportunity for Jordanian youth and companies. Akhtaboot and Maharat have always been partners in trying to leverage the Jordanian job market by giving job seekers the opportunity to grow their career related knowledge.

Maharat has granted Akhtaboot two booths; Akhtaboot’s CV evaluation booth where Maharat graduates were given free advice on how to rewrite their CVs, common mistakes they should avoid and important elements to make their CVs stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive business world. The second booth was devoted to interview Maharat graduates through giving them the opportunity to work in Akhtaboot, where they can gain excellent experience in a dynamic environment that promotes continuous career development and skill improvement.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Employees usually underestimate the effect of their body language and their non-verbal communication. Your body language and facial expressions are very important in social settings, meetings, interviews and everyday work life. They can affect people’s perceptions of your intentions, as non-verbal communication often conveys more to listeners than the words you speak.

Employees will be able to send stronger messages to their audience when their verbal language matches their non-verbal language. Here are six non-verbal signals that every employee should consider in the workplace.

Facial Expressions

Your face reveals both the type and the intensity of your feelings. Your eyes are especially effective for indicating attention and interest, influencing others, regulating interaction and establishing dominance. For example, in the Arab world eye contact is very important when you are in an interview or a meeting; it conveys confidence and implies respect for the other party.

Facial expressions are not only useful for expressing feelings, but can also be used for hiding them. Employees sometimes use fake facial expressions to hide their anger or frustration toward an unsatisfied customer or a disappointed boss. Make sure that you use the right facial expressions in the right context.

Gestures and Postures

Whether conscious or unconscious, gestures and postures can reveal whether you feel confident or nervous, friendly or hostile, assertive or passive, powerful or powerless. Being able to effectively interpret your audience’s gestures and postures can lead to successful conversations and meetings. Angry people may lean back with their hands crossed over their chest or may lean forward with their fists clenched. Acknowledging these acts and their implications may direct the employee to alter the flow of the conversation and its intensity level. Moreover, employees should also focus on their own gestures and postures to avoid sending unwanted or negative non-verbal messages.

Vocal Characteristics

Your tone and volume of voice, your accent, your speaking pace and all the little um’s and ah’s that creep into your speech say a lot about who you are, your relationship with the audience and the underlying emotions of your words. Being too quite may give the impression that you are shy with no opinion on the subject that is being discussed. On the other hand, being too loud may limit other people’s participation in the conversation because it conveys aggressiveness and dominance. Respect your audience by maintaining a moderate volume of voice while giving others a chance to participate.

Personal Appearance

People respond to others very much on the basis of their physical appearance. Employees should always maintain a presentable look by taking good care of their grooming, clothing, accessories and style. If your goal is to make a good impression, adopt the style of the people you want to impress. When talking about work clothing, it’s very important to take into account the type of job you are dealing with. Employees who do not have to meet external clients or attend business meetings can dress casually so as to be comfortable to work long hours in front of their computer screens. On the other hand, employees who meet customers or visitors on a regular basis should maintain a professional image by dressing formally. For more information on Dressing for Success, visit the Akhtaboot Blog


Touch is a very important way to convey warmth, comfort and reassurance. Nevertheless, it is a very sensitive issue when it comes to the workplace and should be handled with careful attention. While many people see a hand on a shoulder or a pat on the back as a valuable way to convey encouragement or concern for another person’s well-being; sexual harassment fears have made many people avoid all types of touching other than good old handshakes. One helpful recommendation is to keep all types of touching professional and businesslike, this way you can communicate positive feelings and warmth to the other party without crossing the red line.

Time and Personal Space

Arriving to all meetings on time will definitely help you gain people’s respect in today’s business world. When it comes to interviews, the worst way to start one is to be late. Make sure that you have all the right directions and give yourself plenty of time to get there ahead of time.

In addition, take good care not to invade other people’s private spaces. Standing too close when talking to someone may either show respect or may implicate intruding. The best thing is to keep a moderate space between you and the one you are speaking to.

The interpretations of your non-verbal communication differ from one person to another and from one culture to another. Being able to read people’s faces, tone of voice and body language is definitely of great value for your career success and personal development. Following the above recommendations will help you advance your career and will definitely give you an edge over your job-seeker competition!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jordan Ice & Aerated Water Co. (PepsiCo International Jordan) partners with Akhtaboot to recruit for its latest Management Training Program, Accelerate. Accelerate is one of the most prestigious programs adopted by PepsiCo Middle East countries to develop local leadership talents and to give exceptional fresh graduates the chance to accelerate their career and climb up the PepsiCo ladder.

Akhtaboot, Jordan’s number one recruitment website, has been chosen by PepsiCo as the leading supplier of talented fresh graduates with a strong academic background in any Business, IT or Engineering disciplines. Lama Mazahreh, Staffing & OMD Supervisor at PepsiCo Jordan, a subsidiary from PepsiCo International, said:

“Akhtaboot has been & will always be our number one choice for recruiting high calibre, especially for our Management Training Program ‘ACCELERATE’. 2008 & 2009 ACCELERATE candidates were all hired from Akhtaboot. It’s always my pleasure to work with such a professional and helpful staff and I definitely recommend Akhtaboot’s unique recruitment services to other businesses.”

The three-year program is tailor-made to equip exceptional fresh graduates (with a GPA of 3.00 or higher) with practical functional experience through On the Job Training relating to PepsiCo’s different business activities. Graduates who are interested in applying to Accelerate program can apply through for their chance to obtain a long-term career with PepsiCo throughout the second and third year of the program.

PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages, with revenues of more than $39 billion & over 185, 000 employees.

Established in 2007, Akhtaboot is an online career network that is committed to providing a user-friendly way of linking the right person to the right career opportunity. Akhtaboot serves as a career network for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time Management is one of those skills that you don’t learn in school or university, yet it is one of the most important skills that you must master in order to be successful in today’s competitive workplace. It doesn’t matter how many years of experience you have or how skilled you are; your inability to manage your time well enough to get your work done will definitely cause numerous difficulties and complications to both your professional and social lives and can also lead to increased stress, anxiety, frustration and other negative feelings. Nowadays, careers are made or broken on your ability to handle multiple tasks and manage your time, and no matter what type of work you do, you can definitely have a hand in making your workday more satisfying with Akhtaboot’s following time management techniques.

Remember that those techniques should do more than just help you achieve your career goals, they should help you make more time for what you really want to do, not just what you have to do.

Prioritize Tasks with Pareto’s “20/80 Principle”

Effective time managers are aware of the fact that they cannot do everything that has to be done at once. They prioritize tasks by consciously choosing to spend their time on what is most important to them. The key to effective time management is to apply the “80/20 Principle” which states that 80% of your results are produced from 20% of your efforts. This rule will help you discover the percent of your tasks that you need to focus on so as to achieve the greatest returns on your efforts with the limited amount of time that you have.

Manage Time Allocation with Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson Law states that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. It means that the time you need to complete a certain task depends on the time you originally give yourself to get it done with. If you give yourself a tight timeline to do something, you won’t start because you implicitly know that the time frame is unrealistic. If you allocate too much time to complete the task, you won’t start either, because you secretly know that you still have a lot of time on your hands. To break this loop, you have schedule how long you would like to work on certain projects or tasks and then track your progress. This method will help increase your productivity and reduce time wasting.

Identify your Biggest Time Wasters

In order for your time management process to be effective, it is really important that you identify the biggest time wasters at your job. Time wasters usually fall under two main categories: self-generated and external time wasters. Self-generated time wasters are things that we cause ourselves and that we have total control over, such as disorganization, the inability to say No and procrastination. As for external time wasters, interruptions to your work are inevitable; from the ringing telephone, to clients passing by unannounced, to meetings that go on too long with no fruitful conclusion. Making a list of the major time wasters and arranging them in order of their impact will help you save some of your daily working hours and maximize your productivity.

Get it Right the First Time with Total Quality Management

TQM is a process whereby the need to get everything right the first time and to continually improve your production is required. Total Quality Management is not about doing more, it’s about improving the quality of the important tasks at hand. This might take a little more time in the beginning but will definitely reduce rework required to fix mistakes and will save a lot of time on the long run. Contrary to poplar belief, time management is not about doing more things in less time, but it’s about doing the right things better. Keep in mind that the more you bite off, the longer you have to chew.

Taking Control of Technology

The internet is definitely one of the top addictive time wasters in today’s corporate world; it can actually consume a whole working day before you even notice. Your email, for example, has grown into a serious time drainer with your inbox getting out of control throughout the day. But just because someone can contact you instantly, it does not mean that you have to reply immediately. Unless your job demands that, do not respond to your emails immediately, instead, assign a few times a day to check it and respond and don’t look at it otherwise.

Everyone who works wishes there were more hours in the day so that they could do their job right. While time management is a not a new term, most people are really bad at making the most of their time at work. In the quest for success, however, wasting days, hours or even minutes is bad for your career, so why not cut to the chase and get rid of the factors and behaviors that are, in fact, wasting your time.

Whether you feel overwhelmed by your workload or you just want to find an extra few minutes in the day, one fact will always remain the same: we all have the same 24 hours and you really can’t manage that time, but you can manage yourself better. If you don’t, time will do a pretty good job of managing you!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dressing for any career-related event is definitely one of the major sources of anxiety for everyone at some point in their career. As vital as it is for a company to maintain a product’s image in today’s business world, it is even more important for individuals to package themselves in a way that is smart and professional. In Today’s Job Market, first impressions can never be overstated, especially if you are trying to set yourself apart from the pack of other job seekers who are trying to land the same job. The image you portray can either make or break you, and the look you go for reflects your ability to perform adequately on the job. This is a well-known fact among all professionals, especially those who aspire to high managerial positions. Looking and behaving like a highly qualified and well-groomed professional will definitely help you gain the respect and admiration of your boss, colleagues and clients.

Akhtaboot brings you a number of helpful dress code tips to get your wardrobe right in a professional setting that suits all the different professional environments that you might need to dress for in your career and a number of fashion faux pas to avoid when dressing for success.

Types of Workplace Attire

There are 3 main types of workplace attire that you need to fully understand. Each attire depends on your company’s dress code policy. The three types of dress codes are: Professional Dress, Business Casual and No Dress Code.

Professional Dress

In most conservative industries such as, Sales, Accounting or Banking you will find that this type of business wear is dominant. In general, the business dress for men that works best in most corporate environments is a conservative dark or charcoal gray suit, a white or blue long-sleeve, button-down shirt and a necktie with a minimal or no patterns. Women’s business attire consists of a pantsuit or a suit with a skirt, paired with closed-toe high heels. This type of dress code helps you reflect a conservative and professional look that is classy but not too flashy.

Business Casual

For those who are still not familiar with the business world, defining what the business casual style is can be vague. The key to appropriate business casual attire is to understand your company’s definition of “business casual”. Basically, business casual for men is suit pants or khaki type pants, a button-down collared or polo shirt and traditional black or brown shoes. Wearing a tie or a blazer is optional. Business casual for women means classic black or brown pants, a well-pressed shirt or blouse and high-heels.

The No Dress Code Policy

While most companies have a specific dress code, there are actually some exceptions to this norm. A company with a “No Dress Code” policy allows you to wear what you probably won’t be wearing to work, such as jeans, T-shirts, flip flops, sneakers and shorts. This policy is common among IT companies, where employees have no direct interaction with clients, but employees may be asked to wear professional attire at networking events, conferences or client meetings.

Things to Avoid When Dressing for Success

Strong Fragrances

Smelling good is definitely a vital part of looking good. However, if you do not apply fragrances correctly, it might not work in your favor in the business world. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes in the office or workplace and keep in mind that some people are allergic to some perfumes. So if your fragrance is too strong, only use it in your personal time!

Poor Grooming

Personal grooming is just as important as what you wear. You may select the right clothes, but having poor personal hygiene will ruin the image you wish to present. Make sure that your body is freshly showered and your hair is clean, trimmed, and neatly combed. For men, mustaches or beards must be neatly groomed or better yet, shaved. When it comes to makeup, women must try to wear the minimum and be as natural looking as possible. After all, this is not a beauty contest!


Accessories can definitely reflect your personal style and can be a plus if worn in moderation. There are some accessories, however, that should be avoided in order to look professional and credible. Women should avoid dangling earrings and must wear no more than one ring per hand, a nice watch and a simple necklace. Men should stick to a watch, one ring, and a simple belt. Ties with loud patterns should be avoided. Always remember that when it comes to accessorizing in the workplace: Less is more!

Many professionals commit a number of fashion faux pas without even realizing it due to their lack of experience when it comes to corporate attire. This can sometimes lead to being passed over for a job or promotion. Although your personal style is important, dressing for success means business, not pleasure. If the company of your interest has a dress code policy on paper, make sure that you read it carefully. If not, pay attention to your interviewer’s attire as well as what the other employees are wearing.

Whether you are self-employed, a sales representative or you just have a really conservative boss; the way you dress reflects your ability to perform the job well. Even if you work in the back office and rarely meet any clients, maintaining a professional look is still a key to your success. If you have never worked in a professional environment and you are still not sure how business dress looks like, come visit the Akhtaboot offices and get up close and personal with all 3 types of workplace attire.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Amer, Samah and Atef (Akhtaboot)
during the event

Under the patronage of H.E. the Prime Minister Eng. Nader Dahabi, you are welcome to visit Akhtaboot’s booth at the biggest event for education and training in Jordan, The Education and Training International Exhibition, July 22 – 24, 2009, Zara Expo - Grand Hyatt Hotel, Amman – Jordan. If you are a postgraduate student, undergraduate student, public or private high school student, parent, EDUTEX is the event for you.

EDUTEX will provide the opportunity for thousands of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, public & private high school students, parents, educational professionals, business executives, young professionals and senior governmental officials to meet with various universities, colleges, educational institutions and language centers.

For more information on this event, please visit:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today’s workplace is both unstable and unpredictable; people get fired and switch jobs all the time and in general, staying in the same company for more than five years is really considered a career achievement, but unlike the workplace of the past, employees can no longer be guaranteed the chance of promotion based merely on the fact they’ve served a long time at the same company. To get ahead you need to work above and beyond your standard job description, displaying initiative and competence.

Time and again, we see overrated, unqualified employees get promoted while skilled, hardworking people - like you - get passed over. Most people explain this noticeable randomness of promotions by inventing reasons that only apply in the old outdated job world. To help you on your way up, Akhtaboot will reveal the top10 most common myths about climbing the corporate ladder.

Myth #1: It’s all about who you know

No one can deny the importance of having a professional Network of business contacts, but it’s not the only factor that you need in order to advance in your career. The Reality is that, no matter how huge your network might be, it is definitely not the only factor that leads to career success. There are actually a number of other important qualities such as, experience, intelligence, drive and hard-work that truly distinguish potential executives from their peers.

Myth #2: Catering to your boss’s style and preferences is your guarantee to career advancement

The reality is that your boss is superior to you whether you like it or not, there’re no two ways about it. Sometimes you may be impressed by him and sometimes you just may question his decisions. At the end of the day, your boss is still your boss, and you have to report to him. The best way to handle your relationship with your boss is to have realistic expectations of your role and responsibilities as well as your Boss’ and to make sure you get the appropriate recognition and rewards for your work in order to advance in your career.

Myth #3: No news is good news

Most people think that if they receive little or no feedback about their deficiencies on the job, then they must be doing a good job. This leads to them performing their duties below acceptable standards with no indication that their work is unacceptable. Presented properly, negative feedback can definitely help you correct performance problems and can be one of the most potentially valuable information about yourself that you might ever receive. Often it is the feedback that is most difficult to hear that allows you the most growth opportunity.

Myth #4: Once you get there, there’s no need for you to try hard anymore

Like it or not, the moment you reach the managerial level, you are under the spotlight. Regardless of how you look at it, getting promoted involves consistent hard work. Once you’re in the hot seat you need to look for opportunities to take the lead on new assignments to showcase your skills, abilities, and dedication. Keep in mind that you didn’t wind up in your new position because of your charm and good looks, but for your talent, experience and hard work.

Myth #5: Managers make more money than regular employees

People often believe that any managerial role automatically guarantees higher compensation levels, so it seems like moving into a managerial position is the only way to make more money. It really depends. For example, commission based employees often make more than their managers. Management doesn’t always mean more money; it’s just a different type of work that requires different skills and involves more responsibilities. However, as a general rule of thumb, more money usually comes with greater responsibility.

Myth #6: Managers enjoy more freedom

Many employees believe that managers have far more freedom to make decisions and take action than they have as individual contributors. This is actually not true. Managers often have far less freedom to act alone than you might have anticipated. They have multiple obligations and responsibilities along with many employees to look after. In fact many CEOs and business owners often long for the days when they were starting out and had more time on their hands.

Today’s marketplace requires you to think of yourself as a business. In order for you to succeed in your career, you need to constantly market yourself by selling your skills, abilities and accomplishments to current and potential employers. Practicing the fundamentals of self-discipline and achieving one goal after another will definitely make you indispensable to multiple decision makers.

Whatever might be your job position, work to your potential and make sure your work meets or even exceeds the expectations of your superiors. That doesn’t mean you have to work overtime every week or do your coworkers’ work for them, just take care of your business and then you will be worth your weight in gold!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You must have heard lots of buzz lately about Twitter, the latest web 2.0 sensation that lets you create an account where you can post very brief answers (up to 140 letters) to the question “what are you doing?” using IM, your phone, or the web. Others can read your updates and comment on them.

Akhtaboot has just created his very own twitter account to keep you updated on what we are doing at the moment. We will be posting our latest Job postings as well as news and latest blog entries. All you have to do is create a Twitter Account and follow Akhtaboot at:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stress and chronic stress are quite possibly two of the biggest obstacles to achieving success in the workplace. It is actually a very real issue that can lead to a range of physical, emotional and behavioral problems such as irritability, poor concentration, fatigue, trouble sleeping, anxiety, back pain and high blood pressure. It goes without saying that the level of stress associated with each career varies, which is why there is an ever-growing importance to knowing how to cope with your stress and manage it effectively. In some cases however, stress is not always counter-productive; it can be helpful in providing motivation that allows you to work with a sense of urgency and purpose. The key is learning how to draw the line between stress that is beneficial and stress that is harmful. For some, that line fades more and more with time, which is why everyone needs to learn about stress management.

We all have our breaking points. Here are some helpful tips on how to control your emotions and thoughts to avoid reaching your breaking points in the workplace:

Identify your Stress Factors

The first step to solving any problem is identifying the source(s) of that problem. Through targeting the causes of your stress, you are able to ponder different ways of dealing with each problem individually and ultimately come up with a tailored set of solutions. Common causes of stress in the workplace are lack of time and excessive workloads, followed by poor interpersonal relations and the risk of accident or injury. Depending on your situation, stress can also be caused by a host of other factors such as adapting to change, fear of lay-offs and office politics. Once you have identified your stress factors, you are well on your way to finding their respective solutions.

Don’t Forget to Breathe

When you find yourself beginning to panic while working towards an unrealistic deadline, or suddenly feel overwhelmed by an ever-expanding workload, take a moment to yourself, forget all your worries and just focus on your breathing. Most people underestimate the power of controlled breathing and although it may sound silly since breathing is an automatic reflex, controlling your breathing will not only control your heart rate and most symptoms of stress but it can revolutionize how you feel and perform at any time.

Make a Long-Term To-Do List

Making a weekly or monthly to-do list will surely help you organize yourself and combat short-term stress at work, but what about the following week, or month, or the following 10 months? Think about all the small, incremental things you can do to build career success over the course of a year, or five years. Expand your social network by inviting someone in your field to lunch every so often, learn another language or acquire a new skill, put in some overtime helping your employer contemplate solutions to a tricky business problem. Making this list and eventually crossing things off will help you feel like you are going somewhere, bringing about a sense of accomplishment which has proven to be a potent stress reliever.

Get Fit and Be Healthy

Your choice of lifestyle is directly related to your ability to cope with stress at work. Are you finding yourself too tired to deal with queries or problems? Does your tiredness make you irritable and short-tempered? If you are not getting your dose of fresh air and exercise, then not only will your body suffer but it will also reflect poorly on your work. Exercising regularly reduces tension, helps you sleep better and boosts your energy. Start simple by going for a walk during your lunch break, or taking regular stretch breaks to reduce neck and shoulder tension. Always remember, what’s good for the body is good for the mind.

Talk to Your Employer

If all else fails and you find these stress relieving tactics to be unsuccessful, then try talking to your employer. If you are dealing with a stressful workplace situation, ask for help to improve it, or if you find that a colleague is behaving inappropriately towards you, talk to your boss, supervisor or Human-Resources department about actions you can take. If you feel intimidated, just remember that your boss will help you deal with your problem in a professional manner when approached professionally.

When stress in the workplace reaches such a high level that it carries over to your personal life in a negative way, this requires you to take action and start managing it properly for the long-term so that it doesn’t spiral further out of control. On the other hand, if you discover that the main source of your stress is your career itself, then perhaps it’s time you considered changing career paths. This can be a risky and somewhat scary step to take, but Akhtaboot is here to help!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Akhtaboot - The Career Network has been honored by Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan during the opening ceremony of the Second Annual National Technology Parade (2009), which was held at the Princess Sumaya University for Technology campus on May 11th and 12th, 2009.

The steering committee of the Second Annual National Technology Parade recognized Akhtaboot, alongside a number of local and international companies, for its commitment and contributions to shaping the Job market in Jordan while providing job seekers and fresh graduates with thousands of job opportunities each year.

Mais Gousous, Marketing Coordinator at Akhtaboot, representing the “Akhtaboot Cares” initiative, received an honorary shield, which was presented by Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan. The parade was held under the patronage of Her Royal Highness and was funded and organized by UNIFEM and the Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT).

Mohamad M. Khawaja, Deputy Director at Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship, said: “we are glad to see Akhtaboot’s support to this national event by bringing students and recruiters together prior to graduation, so that students could build their professional network and understand the needs of the job market in order to develop their skills and competencies accordingly”.

The Technology Parade comes in response to the global drive towards capitalizing on the innovative potential of students to provide technological solutions to challenges facing businesses, governments, civil society and local communities in the different areas of the world.

During the event, Akhtaboot interacted directly with the students, both graduates and undergraduates, through offering them advice on how to best use Akhtaboot’s website to increase their chances of landing the job that’s right for them, while collecting CVs from graduates wishing to join Akhtaboot’s team.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amer Al-Saleh honored on behalf
of Akhtaboot

Samah Al-Nasser (HR Specialist
- Akhtaboot)

During Akhtaboot's CV
Writing lecture

Akhtaboot – The Career Network announced its sponsorship and participation in the first Zaytounah University Job Fair, which was organized by King Abdullah II Fund for Development as well as Media Steps as Main Organizer.

The Job Fair was held on May 18th, at Al Zaytounah University campus and was attended by HR representatives from the Private and Public sectors as well as a number of Civil Society organizations. Participating companies included: INJAZ, Extensya, Tala Abu Ghazaleh Organization, AMIDEAST, Creativita, The Black Iris Café and Media Steps.

The main aim of the Job Fair was to help recent university graduates connect with potential employers and to put qualified talents to work which as a result will accelerate growth and help stimulate the economy by putting more fresh graduates into the workforce. The program of the Job fair included a CV Writing session which was developed and delivered by an Akhtaboot representative.

Akhtaboot’s participation in this Job Fair aims at reinforcing Akhtaboot’s social role it plays within the community which has been highlighted with the launch of the “Akhtaboot Cares Initiative” earlier this year.

The “Akhtaboot Cares Initiative” is a comprehensive plan that was developed through partnerships with a number of third parties and educational institutions such as the University of Jordan, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Philadelphia University, Sight & Sound Educational Center, AIESEC Jordan, Pioneers Tech Soft and Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans, in which Akhtaboot maintains an ongoing presence in Jordan’s educational institutions, through developing and executing specific training programs that are tailor-made to educate graduates-to-be on how to approach the job market and to smooth their transition into the professional world.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Akhtaboot – The Career Network announced its sponsorship and participation in the first Corporate Social Responsibility Conference, which was organized by Excellence Inc. in cooperation with the Investment Unit / Social Security Corporation and the Greater Amman Municipality as main sponsor along with Akhtaboot – The Career Network, NAFES, USAID and IMC Jordan as main supporters.

The Conference was held on April 28th, at the Sheraton Hotel Amman and was attended by representatives from the Private and Public sectors, Civil Society organizations as well as Quasi-governmental sectors.

The main aim of the conference was to explore the role played by organizations in both the public and private sectors in order to contribute to the development of the society and to encompass social and environmental concerns, taking into consideration the 3 axes defined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, namely; economic growth, social progress and environmental protection.

Akhtaboot’s participation in this conference aims at reinforcing Akhtaboot’s social role it plays within the community which has been highlighted with the launch of the “Akhtaboot Cares Initiative” earlier this year.

The “Akhtaboot Cares Initiative” is a comprehensive plan that was developed through partnerships with a number of third parties and educational institutions such as the University of Jordan, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Philadelphia University, Sight & Sound Educational Center, AIESEC Jordan, Pioneers Tech Soft and Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans, in which Akhtaboot maintains an ongoing presence in Jordan’s educational institutions, through developing and executing specific training programs that are tailor-made to educate graduates-to-be on how to approach the job market and to smooth their transition into the professional world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Going into an interview is often described as one of the most nerve wrecking situations people have to face; that is because they are worried that they will be negatively evaluated or perceived by the interviewer.

From the second you enter the company’s building to the time you are back outside, you are being observed. That’s why preparation can definitely help you turn your interview into a great opportunity to convince prospective employers about the tremendous value you will add to their organization.

When it comes to preparation, not only should you research the vacancy, the company and the industry, but you should also try to anticipate questions that tend to come up during almost every job interview. The bad news here is that these questions are not easy to answer since there is no “best” way of answering and every employer expects different answers. The good news is that because these questions are so frequent, you can prepare for them well in advance in order to be able to give the perfect answer without breaking a sweat.

Akhtaboot will help tip the scales in your favor, with hints on how to answer the top 5 trickiest interview questions!

Question #1: Tell me about yourself and your work experience?

As general as this question might seem to be, people often find it hard to summarize their entire working life in just a couple of minutes. Make sure that you start with the present and explain why you are truly qualified for the position. If you are a recent graduate, you can start by talking about the projects that you have worked on during college and how your participation was critical to the project’s success, but for those with many years of experience, it is advisable to highlight the projects and skills that are in line with the position you are applying for. Keep in mind that the way you answer this question, says a lot about your communication skills.

Question #2: Why do you want to leave your present company?

The most frequent answers to this question include: “Better Opportunity” and “Career Development”. Both answers are totally acceptable, but somehow, too common. Giving your answers some identity will make you stand out from every other applicant and will definitely help you shine. Regardless of whether you resigned willingly or you got fired, you should never badmouth a former employer. As good as it may feel to do so; it will always come across as a red flag when you’re being interviewed. Remember that all employers are looking for loyal employees, so make sure that you sound like one!

Question #3: Where do you see yourself in five years?

When it come to this question, it’s doesn’t matter what you say, it’s how you say it. Job seekers often think there’s a correct answer to this question. Instead, this question is usually asked in order to get a sense of your overall career goals and aspirations and to see if you may fit well with their organizational culture. Try to think about the big picture; what are your goals? What do you want out of your career? Even if you still have no clue what it is you want to do, you will probably have an idea of the type of working environment you prefer. Try to summarize these thoughts and turn them into a great answer to this question.

Question #4: What do you think are your weaknesses?

While most of us would talk for about an hour answering the “what are your strengths?” question, many find it hard to answer the opposite question, “what are your weaknesses?”. The smartest way to deal with this question is to try and turn your weaknesses into strengths. For example, you can say that you tend to be very hard on yourself when you make a mistake. This seems to be an honest confession of a true weakness, but it will actually be taken as a good thing to your interviewer. The last thing you want is to appear like a big head admitting that you have no flaws whatsoever.

Question #5: What are your salary expectations?

When it comes to salary expectations, stay away from discussing salary details before receiving a job offer, especially if you are new to the job market. Let the interviewer know that you will be open to discussing a fair compensation when the time comes. If you were cornered to provide a more specific answer, always give a range instead of one fixed number. As funny as this might sound, the first one to state a specific number loses, so make sure it is not you!

When it comes to interviews you must really understand that interviewers are not your friends and neither should you treat them as such. While telling the truth might seem like a good idea at first, choosing to reveal everything could possibly ruin any chance you have for a second interview.

Remember that the worst thing you can possibly do is to go through the whole interview focusing on your negative points. Be proud of your experiences, skills and personality and use the interview as an opportunity to show them off. Remember that the key to all successful interviewing is to match your qualifications to what the interviewer is looking for. In other words you must sell what the bargain hunter is looking for!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dauod Abu Kasheh - Recruitment Specialist
@ Akhtaboot

Akhtaboot– The Career network announced its sponsorship and participation in the 7th Link2JobCity 2009 Job Fair, which was organized by INJAZ.

The Job Fair took place on the 23rd to the 24th of April, at Zara Expo in the Hyatt Amman and was attended by more than 80 companies from various sectors, as well as over 24,000 job seekers including fresh graduates. Sponsors included, but were not limited to, Orange, as the main sponsor, King Abdulla II Fund for Development, the British Council and the Higher Council for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities.

Akhtaboot promoted the Job Fair online, using Akhtaboot’s Blog and Website, as well as Facebook. Radio promotion for sponsors on Play 99.6 was also utilized. All participating companies were offered a package allowing them exposure on to promote their vacancies 30 days prior to the job fair.

In addition to conducting interviews, Akhtaboot also provided job seekers with free CV evaluation services, or a “CV Clinic”, which entailed giving general guidelines on making CV’s look and sound more professional. The aim of the job fair was to help job seekers and fresh graduates transition into the professional world and provide those who wish to switch jobs with opportunities in the vast job market.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AIESEC Jordan organized its National Leadership Development Seminar in Amman with the support of Akhtaboot - the Career Network, as Official Learning Partner for the year 2009.

The National Leadership Development Seminar is an important part in the education cycle of AIESEC Jordan, which allows AIESEC members, foreign AIESEC interns and AIESEC stakeholders to explore leadership in context to the current global environment while sharing knowledge about the organization and its vision.

Akhtaboot’s Career Planning session tackled a number of career development issues such as career planning, CV writing and interview skills, and once again the course proved to be an invaluable experience for AIESEC members, providing several effective tips on how to approach the job market.

Akhtaboot’s Participation in the seminar falls under the latest Corporate Social Responsibility initiative from Akhtaboot, “Akhtaboot Cares”, which will serve as an effective instrument for empowering the young skilled Jordanian job seekers to make wise career decisions while tackling future career challenges.

AIESEC is an international student platform with over 23,000 members and that is present in over 1,100 universities worldwide. The organization helps young people to discover and develop their potential and provides international internship opportunities each year.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Akhtaboot - The Career Network, signs an MOU with AIESEC Jordan, the world’s largest student-run organization. The MOU aims to establish an official Learning Partnership with Akhtaboot that will give Akhtaboot access to a talented pool of local and international AIESEC members, while simultaneously committing to the development of Jordanian youth.

AIESEC is an international student platform with over 23,000 members and that is present in over 1,100 universities worldwide. The organization helps young people to discover and develop their potential and provides international internship opportunities each year.
Akhtaboot will take part in activities related to career development and entrepreneurship, while providing workshops and education on a wide range of career related topics directly impacting AIESEC members.

The MOU falls under the umbrella of the Akhtaboot Cares Initiative, which is a comprehensive plan that was developed through partnerships with a number of third parties and educational institutions such as, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Philadelphia University, Sight & Sound Educational Center, Jordan Applied University for Hospitality and Tourism, Pioneers Training Center and the University of Jordan.

Akhtaboot, the Career Network, signs an MOU with Pioneers Tech Soft, one of the leading training centers in Jordan. The MOU was signed as part of Akhtaboot’s ongoing efforts to promote the quality technical education that is necessary for creating well-prepared manpower with the required skills and competences to suit the needs of our challenging workplace.

The MOU falls under the umbrella of the Akhtaboot Cares Initiative, which is a comprehensive plan that was developed through partnerships with a number of third parties and educational institutions such as, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Philadelphia University, Sight & Sound Educational Center, Jordan Applied University for Hospitality and Tourism and the University of Jordan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mais (Akhtaboot) during the launch of the
"Akhtaboot Cares Initiative".

Akhtaboot, the Career Network, is proud to launch the “Akhtaboot Cares Initiative”, which is a comprehensive plan that was developed through partnerships with a number of third parties and educational institutions such as the University of Jordan, Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT), Philadelphia University, Sight & Sound Educational Center, AIESEC Jordan and Pioneers Tech Soft.

As a social responsibility scheme from Akhtaboot, Akhtaboot Cares will serve as an effective instrument for empowering the young skilled Jordanian job seekers to make wise career decisions while tackling future career challenges. Akhtaboot will maintain an ongoing presence in Jordan’s educational institutions, through developing and executing specific training programs that are tailor-made to educate graduates-to-be on how to approach the job market and to smooth their transition into the professional world.

Yousef Shamoun, Co-founder and Head of Sales and Marketing said: “The Akhtaboot Cares Initiative reflects Akhtaboot’s ongoing efforts to educate the young Jordanian public on issues related to career planning, while creating awareness and readiness on different career related issues. We hope that by the end of this year we can reach all Jordanian universities and educational institutions to promote a more professional attitude among job seekers”.

Professor Mahmoud Qudah, Dean of Business School at the Princess Sumaya University for Technology, said in this regard: “The memorandum of understanding that we signed with Akhtaboot will definitely provide students with the necessary skills to be successful in the professional world. Akhtaboot’s comprehensive initiative is intended to support the overall educational and personal development of each student, while assisting students with accomplishing their professional goals. This will not only enrich our country but will also promote a more harmonious working environment in the region”.

Established in 2007, Akhtaboot is an online career network that is committed to providing a user-friendly way of linking the right person to the right career opportunity. Akhtaboot serves as a career network for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
For further information please contact:

Mais Gousous
Marketing Coordinator
Phone: +96265777313
Fax: +96265777314

Monday, February 16, 2009

Your relationship with your boss is probably the most critical relationship that you have at work; it actually plays a major role in how you perceive your current job and may also impact your ability to succeed in the career of your choice.

Many talented people are stuck in the conventional wisdom of expecting their bosses to manage them. They take a passive approach in whatever they do at work, waiting for orders and direction. They may even whine about a bad boss, but do little or nothing to turn things around. Let’s face it; there are actually a lot of “bosses from hell” out there, and it is unlikely that you will be able to control your boss, but there is actually something you can do to turn things around, and that is to “Manage your Boss”.

Managing your boss is not about being manipulative or kissing up to your boss. Rather, it is a conscious effort to build a relationship of trust, respect, support and acknowledging who is superior while maintaining the freedom to do what is best for the company, the team and your own career. Here are a number of helpful techniques that will help you improve your relationship with your boss.

Get to Know your Boss

When it comes to effectively managing your boss, you must really get to know your boss in both the professional and informal contexts. After all, your boss might be a great person but your negative attitude is keeping you from seeing his good side. Knowing your boss’ priorities will help you improve the way you work and manage your time. When you tie your activities to what matters most to your boss, you become a more valuable team player. With that being said, keep in mind that your boss, like yourself, is a human being with a job to do at the end of the day.

Ask for Both Feedback and Criticism

A good working relationship between you and your boss is one that encourages two-way feedback and fosters honest conversation. While compliments are always nice to receive, if you want to advance in your career and make a good impression, the ability to positively receive constructive criticism from your boss is often more useful. If your boss doesn’t coach you regularly, be sure to take the initiative to ask about things that you can do in order improve your performance. Talking to your boss about your different perspectives and how they affect the way you see the same things will help you both gain a better understanding of each other’s positions.

Keep your Boss in the Loop

When you’re working really hard, it’s easy to assume that your boss knows precisely what you’re doing. Your boss obviously has other subordinates to manage and bigger responsibilities to take care of, so it is very possible that in the chaos of daily pressures and changing priorities, your contribution will get lost in the shuffle. Make sure that your boss knows exactly what you’ve accomplished so far without showing off; after all, it’s up to you to stand out!

Take Initiative to Impress your Boss

Don’t wait for your boss to tell you what to do. The less direction you require, the more you will be perceived as an independent competent professional. Offer to help your boss when you have the time to do so. Make sure that these initiatives clearly make an impact and that they are visible and meaningful to others as well. In other words, if you go outside the boundaries of your job description, choose to work on things that matter most to your boss.

Stay on Good Terms with your Boss

Never burn bridges! Whether you get along with your boss or you can’t think of one positive thing to say about him, try to stay on good terms at all times even if you hate your boss. Being decent and respectful may prove to be more rewarding than giving your boss a piece of your mind; in spite of everything, you never know when that boss may be contacted to comment on your performance. Make leaving your firm, whenever that might happen, a chance to build a bridge!

Your relationship with your boss can be a gateway to unlimited opportunities for your career growth and on-the-job advancement, if nurtured properly. Maintaining a harmonious relationship with your boss can make all the difference in your career progress, your relationship with your coworkers and in your reputation in the industry as a whole, even after you leave the company.

While it’s unlikely that you will ever find the perfect boss, learning how to manage your own will help you build a productive and communicative working environment in which both of you achieve the results that matter to you most.

Working for the right person can definitely be 10 times better for your career and professional development, but this might not always be the case. If you find yourself working under a boss who is performing badly, then you don’t have to be the victim of his own weaknesses; consider switching jobs. For more on “Switching Jobs”, click here.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Akhtaboot launched an enhanced version of its Assisted Job Posting service today. Clients who purchase Assisted Job Posting credits with Akhtaboot will now enjoy a more user-friendly form of service delivery with a dedicated tab for Assisted Job Postings. This will allow them to see the short-listed batches of CVs as well as all candidates that have applied to the position in a more intuitive fashion. Akhtaboot will also include the ability to download zip files of the Assisted Job Posting batches of candidates with a summary page of the CVs including any notes that the HR Specialist has added on the candidate.

The Assisted Job Posting service is a premium A to Z service offered by Akhtaboot that includes the following:

  • Understanding the company’s recruitment needs and helping write the job description.
  • Posting the vacancies on and doing all the necessary sorting and filtering.
  • Doing preliminary phone screening to confirm the candidate’s interest in the job, to validate certain information on their CV and to get an understanding of salary expectations.
  • Providing the company with a short-list of candidates based on the requirements and specifications of the job.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mais and Amer (Akhtaboot) at
AIESEC's Gala Dinner

Amer (Akhtaboot) during the
CV writing course

AIESEC's 5th National
Conference Attendees

AIESEC Jordan organized its 5th National Conference in Amman with the support of Akhtaboot, the Career Network, as content development partner. Ahli Bank and Amman Chamber of Industry were also main sponsors.

The program of the conference tackled a number of career development issues such as career planning, CV writing and interviewing skills. The career development sessions were prepared and delivered by representatives of Akhtaboot.

The courses proved to be challenging and stimulating and the feedback from the event was extremely positive, with many of the attendees describing the courses as “educational” and a “valuable use of [their] time”.

The event was attended by over 85 second and third year undergraduates from across all Jordanian universities.

Monday, January 26, 2009

with Ala'a Khatib, Business Development Manager
at ITP

Last Saturday, the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and Akhtaboot teamed up with a number of leading IT and Telecommunications Companies in Jordan to put together the IT & Telecommunication Open Day for both students of NYIT and job seekers who are interested in working within the ICT sector.

The fair took place at the NYIT campus, which is close to the 6th circle, and was hosted by approximately 10 of the top ICT companies in the country. Human resources and IT representatives from these companies were there to inform the attendees about their businesses as well as to showcase their new products and IT solutions.

Participating companies included:

  • Akhtaboot, the Career Network
  • New York Institute of Technology, Training Center
  • Mada
  • Orange
  • iSystems
  • Spotcell, Wireless Media- Mada
  • Wateen Information Technology
  • Compute
  • ITP, Information Technology Planet (Jordan’s Number 1 Web Company of the Year 2008)
  • MyTechPlus, MG Group
  • Brands, Out of the Box

A significant number of students and job seekers attended the full-day event, which took place from 12 noon until 8pm. The event was widely covered in the national media by Rotana Radio, Akhtaboot’s website Al-Ghad Newspaper and Al-Rai Newspaper.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Have you ever sat at your cubicle and asked yourself, what am I doing here exactly? Is this really what I want to be doing for the rest of my life? These are only a few questions many of you ask yourselves on a daily basis. As kids, we would dream of what we would really like to become when we grow up. Some wanted to become dentists others wanted to become businessmen. Whether you actually followed your dreams or not, you must understand that it is never too late to do so!

With that being said, it seems like almost everyone who is stuck in a cubicle is dreaming of quitting their steady job to start their own thing and get rich immediately. If you’re reading this, then there is a good chance that you’ve always wanted to launch your own venture too. As much as the idea of being your own boss appeals to you, you must understand that it may take a lot of hard work and much more than a great idea to launch a successful project. While starting a business involves some risk, working for a traditional employer is not risk-free as well. The dream of starting your own company can become a reality if the proper steps are taken and the proper research is conducted. Akhtaboot will help you decide whether to trade your valuable years of traditional experience for your new business dream.

Come up with the Winning Business Idea

Coming up with an outstanding idea is one of the hardest parts of starting a business. But don’t assume that you have to come up with a brand new idea that hasn’t been tackled before in order to succeed. Although being the first market mover will give you an edge over future competitors, you can still approach the issue by finding something that is already being done that needs improvement. The best place to start is to think of the things that you’re already good at and how you could use your existing knowledge to create a successful business.

Research Your Dream Industry

Starting a new business requires knowing almost everything about the industry as a whole. Fortunately, the Internet is packed with resources and useful information for the entrepreneur-to-be. Take notes, and write down questions that arise while reading. Any new piece of information that you learn, will definitely bring you closer to being ready to tackle your dream. Another good method to learn about the industry is to find a mentor who works within your desired field. As soon as someone agrees to be your mentor, arrange a visit to their workplace where you can observe what he does on a daily basis, take notes on all you see and hear, and don’t forget to ask questions. Remember that those who are willing to invest the time will definitely find the information they need.

The Solid Business Plan

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make during your journey to build a new company is to neglect the importance of writing a solid business plan. When it comes to business planning, there is no single approach more useful than addressing the risks of a new project with a detailed, written-out thought process. Even if you believe that you have the business plan carved out in your head, your idea will not become a reality unless you first put it into writing. If it’s only in your head, then that’s where it will stay!

Surround Yourself with the Right People

Bring in people who complement your skills to fill in the gaps. Remember that you will not succeed on your own; you have to surround yourself with the right people who you can help you in reaching your goals. One excellent way to start is to team up with someone who has demonstrated success in the market of your interest. Akhtaboot is the place to find high caliber candidates for your new venture. Just go to to find out more on how you can fill your job vacancies and attract the right talent to your company. A successful team member is someone who has actually launched a similar project or worked with a company in the industry you are launching your new company in. Keep in mind that the best way to attract the right people is to show real passion for your idea and exude a confidence that it will succeed.

Secure Appropriate Financing

One of the major obstacles that people face when starting a business is the security of appropriate financing. People often think that the only place to obtain the money they need to start a business is the bank. However, there are several options to take into consideration when looking for financing such as friends, family, investors or even your personal savings. Make sure to maintain a cash cushion to live on for at least six months, since you likely won’t generate any substantial income in the beginning. Keep in mind that it’s easier to raise money before you launch your new venture than it is after you’ve failed to meet your financial targets.

Being new to the business world can definitely be risky; you may be thinking about whether you will become successful or whether you will go nowhere. You must understand that people are risk-averse by nature, especially when it comes to losing something they already have, such as their secure job. This may cause people not to live up to their full potential, including starting up their own business. It is important to note that there are also a lot of people who start up their own business and fail. Having setbacks is expected in any new business. But a setback or even three should not slow you down or affect your self-confidence! It’s always better to try and learn from your mistakes than to have never tried at all. Remember that living inside the box might seem safe and comfortable but bigger things might be waiting for you on the outside!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

As the job market becomes more and more competitive, job seekers are going to great lengths to set themselves apart from the crowd in order to stand out. But how can you, as a recent graduate, develop the essential marketable skills and build up your CV while testing the employment waters?

For fresh graduates and job seekers trying to gain entry into the industry of their interest, an internship can be the only means to try out a new job and gain hands on experience in a wide variety of career fields without making a permanent commitment that you might regret later on.

Whether you take on a position in the same company you interned at or not, working with professionals will not only help you build your career network, but it also offers many useful references and information about future job opportunities. Akhtaboot unveils a number of useful tips that will help you make the most out of your internship and to pursue the right career path for yourself.

Choosing the Right Internship

Research companies in the career field of your interest. Whichever way you contact these companies, be sure to mention that you’re looking for an internship and not a full time job. Let them know that you’re looking for any kind of experience in the industry, whether it’s through an internship or a more informal arrangement such as volunteering. Many online job websites such as Akhtaboot ( include internship listings as well as company profiles and other helpful information.

Take Initiative

What is most important for you as an intern is to stand out; performing above and beyond what is expected of you will help you gain the respect of your boss and coworkers. When something needs to be done in the office and nobody seems eager to do it, offer to work overtime or during the times when you don’t have anything else to do. But remember, do your required tasks first before you volunteer to take on any new projects.

You Are Still an Intern After all

During your internship period, always keep in mind that you are still an intern; nobody expects you to be an expert in everything. In fact, your coworkers are the ones responsible for your career training. Feel free to ask questions when you are faced with any difficulties. You will learn more this way rather than assuming how things work. One of the biggest mistakes an intern can make is to walk into an organization thinking that they know everything and have everything under control.

Forget About the Money… For Now

Internships don’t usually pay in the same way that full-time jobs do. Don’t let your need to earn money distract you from your main goal, which is gaining the necessary experience. If you choose a career only for the money but don’t have the required skills to do the job, chances are that you won’t hold that job for long, assuming you even land one to begin with. Keep in mind that this isn’t just a job; it is actually an educational experience as well. Be sure to master what you’ve learnt and money will definitely follow when the time is right.

It’s Not Just About the Experience!

Internships are not just career help programs from the company’s point of view, they are actually an effective way for employers to identify and cultivate employees for their company or other companies in the industry. Interns who understand this fact give their best effort and make sure that they learn everything they can about the business. Knowing how to position the experience that you’ve gained is key. Potential employers won’t necessarily care if you interned at a certain company; they’ll be much more impressed with the skills that you gained and the projects that you worked on.

Flaunt Your Networking Skills

The number one advantage of an internship is the relationships you build with the professionals you meet during that short period of training. This network can be of great value to you throughout your career, but you have to work on it. Make sure that you stay in touch with those who might be able to help you in the long run. Since you are the one leaving after the internship is over, following up is definitely something that you need to do.

It’s never too late to apply for an internship program in order to gain experience in the field of your interest. Many recent and not-so-recent university graduates arrange their own internships after graduation.

While most internships offer good learning experiences; some will fall short of your expectations. Make sure that yours provides an excellent learning experience by asking specific questions about what you will be learning and doing. Most companies provide interns with a detailed description of the internship before they agree to accept the position.

Even if your internship doesn’t work out, your career will not be affected. Internships are always a good way to discover if you find yourself in a particular industry. Whatever the case might be, consider it a learning experience. It’s always better to discover certain things as an intern rather than during a full-time position!

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