Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mr. Philip Diab - CEO of Leadership Formation,Dr.
Amjad Al-Aryan - CEO of Pharmacy1, Osama
Fattaleh - COO of Aramex during the Pannel

Under the Patronage of Her Excellency Suhair Al Ali, Minister of Planning, Leadership Formation held the first ever Executive Forum on Organizational Success and Excellence in collaboration with Akhtaboot as main online media sponsor. The event was held on December 9, 2009 at the Sheraton Hotel and attracted participants from diverse organizations and industries.

Attendees had the opportunity to learn from renowned leaders of global and regional organizations about best practices and approaches for excellence and growth in today’s business world. Featuring world-class leaders in the fields of project management, strategic excellence, leadership and governance, the single day event provided invaluable insights for corporations, non-governmental organizations and government agencies facing the challenges of growth, development, and sustainability.

Keynote speakers shared their personal experiences on topics regarding Organizational Success and Excellence. Speakers included: H.E. Suhair Al-Ali, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation; Mr. Gregory Balestrero, the CEO of the Project Management Institute, a global association with nearly 400,000 members and a similar number of certification holders (PMPs); Ms. Linda Crompton, the CEO of BoardSource, an organization dedicated to advancing the public good by building exceptional non-profit boards and inspiring board service; Mr. Ricardo Vargas, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Project Management Institute(PMI); Mr. Philip Diab, the CEO of Leadership Formation, a consulting firm that enables organizational success in strategy, alignment, execution, and people.

In addition to keynote speakers, a number of panel discussions were held throughout the Forum, allowing local experts and members of the audience to tackle core topics related to leadership. Panelists included: H.E. Nadia Al-Saeed, General Manager of Union Bank; Osama Fattaleh, Chief Operations Officer of Aramex; Dr. Amjad Al-Aryan, Chief Executive Officer of Pharmacy 1; Khalil Khouri, Chief Executive Officer of NSCC; Andrew Cobb, Chief Projects Officer of Arab Bank; Haifa Najjar, Superintendent of the Ahliyyah School for Girls and Bishop’s School for Boys and GAM City Council Member; Amal Shabib, Chief Planning & Development Officer of Nuqul Group; Abed Shamlawi, Chief Executive Officer of Int@j.

As main online media sponsor, Akhtaboot has actively promoted the event through its website ( and other social media channels so as to attract Companies and individuals interested in learning about best practices and approaches for excellence and growth.

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